Book mitosis

Abstracting Divinity is coming soon!

As I mentioned in the first newsletter, I am working on the next three books of the ontology quartet and as I promised in the last newsletter, this post will talk about the one I will be publishing next. The first book in this quartet was The Creation of Me, Them and Us and it looked at the nature of the self and how that affected our behaviour and social structures. The next is called Abstracting Divinity and it will look at everything we know or can theorize about life and how it affects every aspect of our institutions and social structures. Some of the many questions looked at are:

  • What is life?
  • What laws govern the nature of life?
  • How do these laws affect our behaviour?
  • How do these laws, which should govern the social sciences, relate to the laws of the physical sciences?

In order to explain where I am in the timeline of completing these books, I need to explain how I work. Most people assume I start with a plan, design a framework and skeleton draft and fill it in like a normal person. Sadly, no.

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