
The following is a glossary of what I personally mean when I say these words. This is not an attempt to impose my definitions as the correct ones or an invitation to debate the definitions. It is only meant to apply to anything I say or write. As language is meant to be a shortcut to communication I try not to spend too much time discussing definitions. These books use definitions from universal reality unless otherwise noted. Terms using endoreality definitions are often denoted by single quotes.

Abstracting divinity: The ways in which conscious and will have been disguised, hidden, denied and abstracted into ideas and institutions of governance, religion and science.


1. The process by which many smaller endogroups are created within a wider endogroup. This can happen organically as a wider endogroup dissolves or weakens and it is also a political strategy used to weaken rival endogroups. 

2. A separation created between two or more endogroups.

3. The separation of a part of the self, such as seen in those with refracted or amputated cores. 

Altruism: An exosocial act of assistance to another in order to create egalitarian balance. 

America: Two continents and 35 countries.

American: Residents of any part of America.

Amputated core: The alienated part of a self caused when a person’s own core is seen by them as an enemy outsider.

Anarchy: Society free of subordination to endogroups at any level. An exosocial society.

Androtheism: worship of men or gods in the form of men.

Anger: Anger can be defensive, dominant or predatory. Defensive anger is against external threat and can be experienced by anyone. Dominant anger is used to sublate another. Predatory anger is used to obtain secondary anima through the stress response of another.

Anglo / Germanic: Relating to states that speak primarily English and heavily adopt Anglo culture or are part of Germanic-speaking Europe. Notable for an industrial-scientific endo-idealism that took early precedence over the various church, filial or other endo-idealisms elsewhere. Recently, this group became the global endo-ideal through transcendental industrial-scientific endo-idealism. This is currently being replaced by the mono-empire.

Anima: life energy

Anima bank: A repository which contains surplus anima, obtained through sacrifice, devotion, offerings or interactions. An anima bank can be a person, dead or living, a rite, an object or an idea.

Anima conduit: A means of allowing the transfer of anima from a primary source. 

Anima credit: A balance owed in a relationship or interaction where the subject has given more than they have received.

Anima debit: A balance owed in a relationship or interaction where the subject has received more than they have given.

Animus: Life energy contained within a personal or shared membrane for use by an individual or group.

Anima bloat: The overfilling of an animus with life energy.

Anonymous: A specific stigmergic method of collaboration and the people who use it.

Anxiety: An emotional response caused by fear of deanimation, meant to prevent exposure to potentially deanimating events.

Approval theory of value: The value of goods is based on the amount of social approval they represent.

Approval economy: Economy based on societal approval and acceptance.

Art: Creation which channels primary anima or acts as a capacitor for primary anima.

Ascetism: Depletion of energy in a personal animus by the will associated with the animus. Ascetism under control of an external will is torture. There are three forms of ascetism: debt, Tantalus and punitive ascetism. 

Authoritative endogroup: The endogroup with the coercive force available to enable them to define reality, morality, norms and law.

Auto-anima: Anima produced by feeding on oneself through ascetism, drugs or other attacks on one’s own animus. 

Auto-objects: People objectified by themselves who thereby become subjects with the power to objectify others.

Autocoercion: Transparent, consensual coercion a society applies onto itself.

Autogenocide: Genocide instigated remotely, usually though media incited sectarianism or trade of drugs or weapons to the targeted population, but performed by the population on itself.


1. Homicide instigated remotely, usually through violation and sublation techniques which destroy a personal membrane and leave the prey vulnerable to coercion by external wills. 

2. Giving a negative image the desperation and means by which to destroy themselves, usually through self abuse, risk taking or suicide. 


1. Freedom from involuntary, unbalanced interactions aided by possession of a healthy personal membrane and a network of primary anima sources and conduits. 

2. Governance by user group including governance of self for those things which impact only self.

Billion: A billion is a million million (bi + million), but the U.S. changed it to mean a thousand million so that they could have ‘billionaires’. The two definitions are now known as the short scale and long scale definitions. This is a classic example of reality manipulation to serve an exceptional myth and endo-identity created from magical words subject to the whim of the endo-ideal.

Binding Chaos:

1. The natural method of using extrapolation, experience and experimentation to bind chaotic input into ordered packets of information as our brains are designed to do. 

2. The use of extreme coercive force to prevent chaotic systems from living, evolving or creating change.

3. The transition from primordial chaos to a world of ordered objects.

4. Endosocialism.

Black box words: Words with no definition other than circular, often used to pretend a meaning where none is known or disguise a meaning which is against the authoritative endoreality. Examples are nothing, imagination, and random

Body: A physical form, one of the five elements of a person.

Boredom: A sign of severe distress which occurs when someone is offered an interaction which they cannot access or a third party is attempting to intercept an interaction or there is no interaction available. Boredom is the inability or refusal to exercise will and seek interaction. This is the chronic condition of an endoself.

Bureaucrats: People with institutional authority to exert their will over the interactions of others.

Butterfly: An idea which can cause a hurricane of change. Reference to the butterfly effect.

Capacitor: A cluster of interactions in the form of an object, rite or idea which serves as an anima bank. A capacitor stores an excess of anima which can be accessed in other times and places.

Caregiver: A person whose work involves the care of other people, animals, communities or ecosystems.

Caregiver-self: A circle of expansion which includes or replicates those relationships first formed by a baby or small child with their home and caregivers, particularly if that circle has created an endogroup.

Centripetal force: A force which acts on unequal populations in forced interactions to create ponzi schemes of celebrity, wealth and power and endogroups. Slight advantages become huge by the requirement that everyone support those with resources or power in order to benefit. This force creates and upholds endogroups and is an endosocial force.

Centrifugal force: An egalitarian force which acts in opposition to ponzi schemes and endogroups. This force serves to either strengthen the existing ponzi scheme by increasing the defending force or collapse it. This is an exosocial force.

Censorship by noise: Using celebrity or official status to amplify certain voices or opinions to the disadvantage of others who may have better or opposing information. Using astroturfing spam for the same purpose.

Channeler: A person with the ability to channel prolific amounts of primary anima, often through art, which differs from craft due to this added feature.

Charity: An endosocial act of giving which results in establishing the giver as the endo-ideal and the receiver as the negative image. This differs from altruism in the fact that no euphoric conduit is established and debt and guilt are incurred by the receiver, along with a negative image status.

Civilization: A vast network of interception points for sublation of interactions and interception of anima.

Class: A social construct (endoreality) resulting from classification of people relative to the endo-ideal. Modern usage is usually related to wealth endo-idealism.

Cognitive dissonance: Distress caused by a conflict between dominant and authoritative endoreality, between universal reality and endoreality or between an endoreality believed in the past and what the subject believes now.

Colonization: sublation of the will and animus of a nation.

Commoner: A stable majority created to uphold the status quo, or overthrow it during times of revolution. Societal structures are designed for the comfort and coercion of commoners. Mass acceptance of this role creates a solid block of uniform opinions which can be used to create and uphold oligarchy and ostracize witches and wretches. Reflector at a state level or higher.

Community: A group affiliated around allocation of common resources. Communities may be societies, where allocation is through social relationships, or trade economies, where allocation is through trade.

Concentric circle: Peer promoted voices or ideas in a transparent, permeable structure where those at the centre receive the most amplification and ideas are audited and taught to the outer circles by knowledge bridges.


1. A balanced interaction. 

2. An anima conduit constructed with balanced interactions.

Connection nihilism: The idea that all connections are qualitatively the same and there is no added value to bonded people, objects, ritual or ideas. A denial of the existence of euphoric  objects.

Conscious: All that exists. Awareness of every interaction that makes up universal reality, from all perspectives. Universal knowledge.

Conscious will: A will controlled by the conscious.  Conscious will chooses the path of greater entropy through dispersal of personal energy, usually in the creation of order.

Consciousness: Filtered, condensed, modified and individuated awareness of a part of conscious, presented from the perspective of a specific will’s position in a self. This awareness is limited to only those interactions within zero degrees of the subject will and initiated through conscious control of will. This subset of reality is subjected to the laws of endoreality through an endofilter. 

Corporate feminism: Feminism which emanated from the United States in the 1960s and was heavily guided by both the CIA and corporate interests. It created an endogroup out of a global exosocial struggle for women’s liberation.

Corporate masculinism: A political movement which began in the 1970s to advocate against women’s liberation under the guise of men’s rights. It is heavily guided by the primarily criminal sexual sublation and sexual violation industries as well as many state and religious bodies. The objective is to continue the enslavement of women for domestic labour, baby production and the rape industry. The objective is the oppression of women but the target of coercion is men.

Crabs in a pot: If only one crab is captured, they can easily escape, but if more than one are placed in a pail they will pull back any other that attempts to escape. Used as a metaphor or simile for similar social behaviour.

Creation-self: A circle of expansion which includes those relationships related to creation. This is often trapped into a career endogroup.

Creation euphoria: The euphoria obtained from the act of creation. This can be stored in a euphoric object.

Credit: Anima owed to the prey of unbalanced interactions in order to achieve egalitarian balance. 

Culture: The rites, objects and ideas that connect a national animus through space and time. This may include dances, songs, art, spirituality, some aspects of creation, rituals, and euphoric objects. 


1. Abstract, dissociated approval which allows access to all benefits of society without contribution, membership or acceptance of the society’s values or norms. 

2. Endosocial token to replace gratitude and approval and replace exosocial interactions with endosocial transactions. 

3. A capacitor which contains anima in an easily exchanged format.

4. A talisman for transferring the guilt in an unbalanced interaction to the recipient.

Deanimation: the loss or depletion of life from an animus. Deanimation often results in physical manifestations such as low stress resistance, adrenal exhaustion, depression or other weakness and can result in serious illness or death.

Curse: Attribution of guilt through the assigning of a negative image status along with the guilt. Often used alongside punishment, i.e. screaming the curse while beating or killing someone assigns them the blame for their own victimhood.

Death: The decoupling of the five elements of a person in such a way that they often cannot be rejoined. 

Death Eaters: Members of a society where the norms or culture are driven by sadism. The agony of others is not a side effect of their actions but a goal. Death eaters are distinct from those with an individual personality disorder in that their society’s norms, structure and actions are all constructed to feed their sadism.

Decoupled: a person whose five elements (body, self, life, will and consciousness) have been dissociated from each other and are no longer bound into a unified person.

Debt: Anima owed by a predator in unbalanced interactions in order to achieve egalitarian balance. 

Debt ascetism: Ascetism which causes joy through the release from debt and guilt brought by a lessening of anima bloat. 

Democracy: Governance by representative or direct voting systems.

Demographics: Objectification and alienation of people through further division of the already objectified populations, usually in an attempt to create new endogroup identities for coercion.

Depression: A state of deanimation. This may be caused by ruptured conduits, unrequited interactions, an inhibited will, shame, sublation or violation.

Dignity: Preservation of ownership over one’s own inner circles of self. This ownership creates personal integrity and strength.

Discovery-self: A circle of expansion which contains those relationships unique to discovery. This is often trapped into an academic endogroup.


1. Separation of individuals from the dependency relationships which make up society. 

2. Separation of self in the case of refracted or amputated cores.

3. Separation of conscious, self or will from each other.

Diversity: There is diversity between every two humans. In endoreality, this term is used to create endo-identities, which is the opposite of diversity. The word could be replaced with anti-endo-idealism. A better path would be to simply point out endo-idealism and leave anti-endo-idealism as the default state.

Divinity: A loosely defined term representing sometimes the universal or quantum will and sometimes the conscious. Possibly also Jung’s collective unconscious and the source of Kant’s synthetic a priori knowledge.

Divinity-self: the self created by euphoric interactions with divinity. These can include spiritual sources but can also be found in everyday euphoric sources, whether or not the subject experiences them as spiritual. Any interaction with primary anima or the conscious expands the divinity self. The divinity self is often trapped into a religious endogroup.

Divination: The attempted acquisition of divine (universal conscious) knowledge or divine (universal will) choice through skill, following a methodology. Some rationalism and even some science falls under this category.

Dominant endogroup: The endogroup which has the subject person or population most immersed in its endoreality or most sublated to it.


1. Resource allocation.

2. When referred to as the economy, it serves as an anima bank or god for wealth endo-idealism.

Emotion: Response to anticipation or experience of access to anima or anticipation or experience of an attack on an anima source.

Emotional will: A will controlled by the self and motivated solely by potential anima gain or loss.

Empathic bond: An empathic conduit that is strong and somewhat permanent.

Empathic conduit: The means by which understanding can be shared or jointly experienced between two sources.

Empathy: The ability to share understanding with another through empathic conduits.

Endo-exceptionalism: Adherence to the exceptional myth of an endogroup.

Endo-ideal: The idealized self of an endogroup, embodying all virtue, ownership, victimhood and credit.

Endo-ideal sublation: Sublation of will to an endo-ideal.

Endo-idealism: Adherence to the laws of endoreality which attribute all virtue, ownership, victimhood and credit to the endo-ideal and all vice, guilt and punishment to the negative image.

Endo-identity: A magical word used to set an endogroup off as exceptional and create difference where none exists.

Endofilter: A cognitive filter which causes the subject to filter all information from universal reality according to the laws of endoreality. This includes the endoreality experienced by humans as macroscopic objects and the perception commonly accepted as ‘sane’.

Endogroup: A social structure for creating power through the transfer of energy. A group of affiliated people who use inclusion and shunning to define their society and are bound by an endosocial membrane. An endogroup may be temporally unlimited to allow ownership and appropriation of property, culture, achievements and victimhood from generations past. An endogroup includes six components: 

    • An identity which enables exclusive membership.

   • An idealized source of collective reality, residing in a person or ideology.

    • An existential threat from external forces.

    • An exceptional myth justifying unequal entitlement.

   • A negative image, made up of people identified as opposite the ideal.

    • Reflectors which may exist separately from the negative image in groups of more than two.

Endogroup sublation: Sublation of will to an endogroup.

Endoreality: A reality which exists only within an endogroup and is created with the laws of endoreality. Endoreality is filled with magical words which have no universal meaning but serve to cast people as the negative image or endo-ideal. Endoreality is relative and has no meaning outside the perspective of the endogroup. Endoreality can change at the whim of an endo-ideal.

Endoself: A predator who can only exist, or prefers to exist, through acquisition of secondary anima.

Endoself contagion: The process by which exosocial interactions are blocked and discouraged in a population of endoselves, leading exosocial people to develop endoself behaviours through necessity.

Endosocial: Existing within the confines of an endogroup or endoself or according to the laws of endoreality.

Endosocial membrane: A membrane which blocks empathic and euphoric conduits and thereby creates endoselves and endogroups.

Endosocial martyrdom: Anima is forcibly taken from the idol and distributed to the masses.

Endosocial tyranny: Anima is forcibly taken from the masses and distributed to the endo-ideal. 

Endosocialism: The belief that societies ought to be ordered within endogroup power structures.

Envy: The sense of injustice felt by members of an endogroup if external acclaim or a coveted item is held by someone outside the endogroup or its endo-ideal.

Epistemic community: A way to provide elite expertise for projects without relinquishing control to an elite oligarchy. People or ideas are peer promoted from within the user group and communities remain transparent and permeable to everyone. Acceptance or rejection of ideas is always up to the user group to avoid an unassailable oligarchy. Typically organized in transparent, permeable concentric circles.

Equality: An observably false idea that all people are equal used to justify imposing involuntary interactions of unequal force on diverse populations. This results in power accumulation and endosocialism.

Equivalence: The idea that all members of a society are entitled to equivalent benefit from the society and no one should be valued by standards of achievement which others have greater ability to attain. No contribution to society is inherently of greater value than another although the degree of effort may be. This is an idea which supports exosocialism.

Escapism: Entertainment which provides easy secondary anima and does not challenge endoreality. Escapism strengthens the emotional will over the conscious will. It is easier to watch because it does not require an expenditure of energy through the focus of the conscious will.

Euphoria: The emotional experience of anima, or life energy.

Euphoric bond: A euphoric conduit that is strong and somewhat permanent.

Euphoric conduit: A path or method allowing the transfer of anima from one source to another. An anima conduit.

Euphoric depletion: Deanimation.

Euphoric interaction: one which results in a net gain in primary anima.

Euphoric object: An object which contains anima from its creator or previous or current owners and can be used as a capacitor to connect an extended self through space and time. 

Exceptional lives: Lives which are given far more value by media and society due to endo-ideal status.

Exceptional myth: Exceptional myths encourage both unjustified glorification of the group and its endo-ideal and unjustified demonization of the negative image as well as other endogroups and their endo-ideals. The five primary types of exceptional myths address creation, leaders, superiority, persecution and destiny. A purely magical creation, like the endo-identity; its purpose is its function, not its meaning.

Excitement: The anticipation of primary or secondary euphoria.

Exo-ideal: The idealized centre of an endogroup where the primary energy transfer flows from the idol to the rest of the group.

Exogroup: This does not exist as an exogroup is simply a cluster of interactions.

Exoself: A person with no, or very few, endosocial attachments and a large exosocial network.

Exosocial: Pertaining to exosocial expansion.

Exosocial expansion: Uninhibited expansion of self by continual establishment of euphoric conduits through relationships, discovery, creation, spirituality, etc.

Exosocial networks: Created by conduits between primary sources of anima to allow balanced euphoric interactions. 

Exosocialism: The belief in universal freedom to uninhibited exosocial expansion.

Extranational: Existing outside national or state structures.

Extroversion: Enjoyment of social interactions as a source of anima.

Face: An integral part of a person, signifying a healthy personal membrane, free of debt or unreleased credit and able to establish balanced connections.

Fear: Fear is anticipation of an attack on a euphoric source. In a primarily exosocial person, the feared attack is on a euphoric conduit or source. In a primarily endosocial person, the feared attack is on an endogroup or endo-ideal.

Feminism: The belief in the liberation of women to fulfill their full potential through uninhibited exosocial expansion. The word feminism is a poor substitute for the concept of women’s liberation. Removal of male and other types of endo-idealism would be much more helpful in achieving liberation than establishment of endogroup feminism.

Festival: An event for producing a surge of primary and/or secondary anima from a variety of sources.

First age of nations: A great variety of autonomous and complete societies, occasionally networked and sharing or trading with each other, which people lived in for hundreds of thousands of years.

Forbidden chamber: A construction which conceals and forbids access to secrets of the guilt of the powerful. This supports the endoreality law that knowledge of endo-ideal guilt is a greater offence than any crime committed by the endo-ideal. See also Secret chamber guilt.

Fourth age of nations: A potential society we could develop, more diverse, flexible and mutually supportive than the first tribal one and more rewarding and universally beneficial than the third parasitical, supranational one. A new framework must meet both our social needs and our need to develop to our full potential, ensure local autonomy but protect global commons, and put social responsibility back in communities but provide a global safety net for those shunned or harmed locally. This age would hopefully finally provide us with a balance between autonomy, diversity and society.

Fraternity: Decentralized patriarchy resulting from politics which espoused Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. Fraternity as a goal is not suitable to global collaboration as it implies both equality and unanimity of principles. It has resulted in a fraternity of endo-ideals aligned under endosocialism. They still claim the right to control the lives of other people and occupy the top strata of society like patriarchy but now they bear no responsibility for governance or any participation in society.

Gaslighting: Assertion of the laws of endoreality through denial of universal reality and guilt reversal.

Gender: A social construct (endoreality) created in order to impose power relations based on sex with a male endo-ideal and a female negative image.

Genocide: The murder of a nation.

Ghosts: Decoupled but undispersed animus. These may be interaction clusters with an imbalance, either credit or debit.

Gift: Goods or services allocated to a person who is not automatically entitled to a share by social norms, or goods or services one is not automatically entitled to by social norms, such as personal or rare property. Gifts are not an entitlement and frequently carry expectations such as eventual reciprocity or future friendship.

God:  An anima bank with a will which allocates life energy according to whim, supplication, deception or justice.

Governance: Endosocial definition: Enforced subordination to an endo-ideal and enforced membership in an endogroup. Exosocial definition: Caretaker responsibility of the user group.

Gratitude: A feeling of good will and admiration directed towards the provider in an altruistic interaction.

Guilt: The debt from an unbalanced interaction. Guilt is transferable.

Gynophobia: Terror of women, the fear of becoming or being cast as a woman (the negative image), or a fear of the loss of patriarchal power or male endo-idealism. Particularly prevalent in those with an amputated core.

Gynotheism: worship of women or gods in the female form.

Hate: The emotional blocking of a potential or former euphoric bond.

Holosocial: A social group which includes everyone. May be exosocial but may also refer to endosocialism under a global mono-empire.

Homo economicus: The endo-ideal of classical economists. A pure endoself with no goals outside of the exploitation of others for accumulation of personal power.

Honour: Hierarchical approval awarded from the endo-ideal, signifying the state of not being the negative image.

Hope: Conscious striving for exosocial connection or relief from sublation or violation. To lose hope is to stop seeking connection or liberation.

Hostile seductive coercion: An external force of seductive coercion with interests in opposition to the subject.

Idea based collaboration: Collaboration that develops or verifies an idea or information.

Idol: The idealized self or anima bank for an endogroup.

Ideologues: Members of endogroups with an exceptional myth based on ideas attributed to them or ideas they adhere to.

Independence: The state of living free from dependencies. This is impossible in reality but can be simulated by the use of currency to abstract dependency and endosocialism to deny the labour of the negative image.

Imagination: A black box word used to describe glimpses of conscious outside of personal perspective. This often appears in dreams or a trance state.

Incel: An acolyte of an offshoot of corporate masculinism which uses the dehumanization and debasement of women to manipulate men. The associated propaganda  encourages men to be anti-social and suicidal, and incites acts of domestic terrorism. It appears to be heavily influenced by rival state agencies.

Indigenous: Customs or hereditary members of a community which follows a first or second age culture of the subject region.

Infidelity: Embezzlement of the energy of a shared animus to feed outside interactions or an external animus, particularly in monogamous, romantic relationships.

Inhumanity: A lack of empathy and denial of the need of others to live dignified lives.

Integrity: Strength of personal membrane and exosocial network.

Interaction: An action involving two entities, initiated by will, using energy from life, occurring in one spacetime. Irreversible units of conscious. The base unit of the universe. Interactions are clustered into individual selves by endosocial membranes which exist only in endoreality. Interactions may be balanced, rebuffed, unrequited or predatory resulting in events and relationships of connection, sublation or violation. 

Interaction self: The true self, composed of networks of interactions.

Introversion: Fear of social interaction because of experienced deanimation.

Inverted debt: Guilt or debt which is transferred to a benefactor so that the beneficiary feels ever-increasing credit or entitlement instead of gratitude or guilt.

Iron law of oligarchy: Theory of Robert Michels, Who says organization, says oligarchy”. This theory says that oligarchy is inevitable and it is used as a justification for fascism. Oligarchy is inevitable under endosocialism but not through exosocialism.

Jealousy: Fear of a negative change to one’s own endogroup status due to the relative rise of another.

Joy: The experience of euphoria caused by available and secure connections to primary anima. An endoself may feel excitement, but never joy.

Kindness: Collective term describing the actions which offer shared anima to others.

Knowledge bridge: People who help disseminate information from an expert to a novice level of understanding and collectively audit what the epistemic community is doing. Besides being essential for education and auditing, this is important to avoid demagogues who have the ability and time to develop mass appeal but are not the source of expertise. Epistemic communities and knowledge bridges allow elite expertise a direct path of communication to the entire user group and provide a path for anyone in the user group to promote ideas and achieve elite expertise if they wish.

Laughter: A reaction to the experience of euphoria or awareness of endoreality. The seven types of laughter are experience of euphoria, self affirmation, self destruction, social affirmation, social exclusion, endogroup domination and endogroup submission.

Laws: Coercive strictures which reflect the laws of endoreality for the authoritative endogroup.

Liberation: Freedom to continue exosocial expansion.

Libertarian: Desirous of liberty, as the freedom to do anything one desires, without social responsibility or acknowledgment of debt. This is a very popular ideology among endoselves.

Liberty: Coercion, responsibility and dependency are part of all human existence. The endosocial illusion of liberty for a few is created through dissociation, enabled by the trade economy. Exosocial liberty is freedom from involuntary interactions of unequal force (sublation and violation) and freedom to continue exosocial expansion through connection.

Life: The energy which is used to create interactions. Life force expands outward through interactions with other sources of life energy. Exosocial expansion can be blocked or deviated through the use of a greater opposing force.

Lifegiver: A woman who has given birth.

Lifegiver-self: The initial self created by the shared animus and cluster of interactions between a lifegiver and an infant.

Living: 1. An attraction to anima and a continual quest to assure its availability. 2.  The exercise of will to create interactions.

Loneliness: A melancholy state of longing caused by unrequited connections.

Love: A desire to create or maintain connection to a primary anima source. Love has three stages: attraction, marked by excitement and intense curiosity, connection, marked by joy in experiencing another, and shared animus, at which point the destruction of the new shared self would cause severe trauma. Love is created by the conscious will.

Lust: Avarice, or a desire for possession in order to obtain secondary anima. In lust, the three stages are lust, manifesting as an intense desire for possession, possession, during which the endoself seeks complete ownership or sublation and outside reflection in the form of admiration of their new possession and lastly, disillusionment, boredom and punishment of the object which is blamed for the disappointment. Lust emanates from the emotional will.

Magic: Rituals around guilt allocation, guilt deflection and punishment. These are now largely under the jurisdiction of law and economy. Dbivination and influence of outcomes was first transferred to prayer and is now controlled by economics. Bondage and sublation is now the business of government. The deliberate use of skill and methodology to achieve any of the following:

1. Creation of endosocial barriers and endorealities. 

2. Causing ideas or people to be shunned or accepted through the creation of endogroups, endo-ideals and negative images. Sublation of one will to another through creation of a shared animus or bond. Modern examples are employment contracts or student enrollment.

3. The transfer of energy, guilt and debt, especially through the use of magic words and ritual, including curses and protective spells. Diplomatic immunity is an example of a modern spell, complete with talismans, to ward off curses carrying guilt (criminal accusations).

4. Access of information from the universal conscious or guidance of choice or outcome from the universal will through divination.

Magic words: Words whose usage is unrelated to their meaning in universal reality. Words used solely for the purpose of magic, such as creating an endogroup or endoreality or casting information as authoritative or not based on association with the endo-ideal or negative image.

Martyr:: The idol of an endogroup where anima flows from the idol to the rest of the group. An exo-ideal.

Masculinism: Male endo-idealism.

Masculinist theory: Theory based on research that only includes men or is presented from an exclusively male point of view or which sets the experience of men as the normative standard.

Megaphone: A platform able to reach a large number of people.

Migratory endo-ideals: When a transcendental endogroup has an overpopulated group of endo-ideals, or they are under pressure, they will begin to swarm by creating a multitude of smaller endogroups at lower levels. This results in alienated societies and in the colonization of negative image groups both within and without the original endogroup.

Mono-empire: The transcendental global empire at the end of the third age of nations. This is a transitional phase as a mono-empire has no outside opposition and can therefore never fully form.

Nation: Layered and overlapping societies gathered for community, cooperation and sharing, and existing across borders and generations. Nations may include sacred objects, rites, land and culture which facilitate connection across distances of time and space.

Nation-self: A circle of expansion which contains those relationships unique to a nation. This is often trapped into a state endogroup.

Negative image: An endogroup role which causes a person to adopt the perspective of an external endo-ideal and uphold the laws of endoreality. This role acts as the inverse of the endo-ideal. It embodies all vice, guilt and shame assignment within the endogroup.

Neo-necromancer: The powerful of the third age who seek to control populations through occupation of their most intimate circle of self, that containing control over the body, consciousness, self, will and life.

Nightmares: Perception of glimpses of unfiltered earthbound reality.

Nothing: A state that cannot exist. This is a black box word used by those who choose to deny the existence of whatever they are describing as nothing.

Object: an animus, an energy cluster held together by a dominant will, perceived as individuated.

Object self: A self with an endosocial membrane which is difficult to penetrate or create connections through. An endoself.

Outgroup: A population not included in, or shunned by, an endogroup. This does not include the negative image which is within the endogroup.

Paedosadist: There is no such thing as a sexual orientation called paedophilia. A sexual orientation, or sex, requires consenting partners. It is not sex if some of those involved are called victims, that is rape. Someone attracted to rape has sexual sadism disorder or paraphilic coercive disorder. Someone attracted to the rape of children is a paedosadist. A paedosadist who acts on their impulses is a criminal paedosadist and one who does not is a non-offending paedosadist. This definition is for those relying on the DSM as authority. A more appropriate term is the legal one, child rapist.

Parasites: Predators who obtain secondary anima by intercepting interactions between two primary sources, exhausting open anima conduits and leaving no reward for the initiator of interactions.

Passive genocide: The denial of life essentials to populations where people will die without access to them.

Patriarchy: A form of male and filial endo-idealism with a hierarchical social structure and a paternal elder as each familial endo-ideal. Often inaccurately used to describe male endo-idealism.

Pedosadist: US spelling, see paedosadist definition.

Person: A temporarily bound unit containing a body, self, life, will and consciousness that appear as an individuated, cohesive whole.

Personality: A pattern of conscious and emotional responses to anima attraction and repulsion governed by conscious and emotional control over will.

Personal membrane: A strong and permeable boundary around the inner circle of self which controls intimacy and permits the establishment of euphoric and empathic conduits.

Photoshop: Remove aspects of a story which the writer does not deem relevant or agree with and leave only those which support the writer’s bias.

Ponzi scheme: 1. A pyramid scheme algorithm which requires those at the bottom to support those at the top in order to benefit. This type of scheme never benefits more than a few. 

2. Social structure in which everyone tries to acquire celebrity, wealth and power, creating a centripetal force that holds oligarchs in place. Egalitarian systems imposed on unequal populations tend to ponzi.

Population: The people objectified and possessed by the endo-ideals of an endogroup.


1. Power is the ability to control interactions through exertion of greater force. Power is based on energy acquired through unequal force in interactions. There is no idle or inert power and there is no benevolent power. 

2. Social approval that causes others to identify with and emulate the powerful ahead of themselves or others. This power can be used to realize one’s own will or include or shun the will or person of others and it can also be used to accumulate wealth, celebrity, credit or any other offering that the social group brings. Once power is established, it provides the unequal force which can be used to turn every interaction into a transaction in which the powerful gain more power.

Power economy: An economy in which every interaction is a transaction, or an energy exchange in which no connections are established.

Predation: Obtaining secondary anima through involuntary interactions of unequal force. A predatory interaction drains energy from one agent, the prey, and that energy is picked up by the other agent, the predator.

Predators: Those who obtain secondary anima from others through stress, pain, obstruction and destruction. The three types of predator are: Parasite, sublator and violator.

Prey: Those who lose secondary anima to others through stress, pain, obstruction and destruction. Those suffering damaged personal membranes and deanimation or channelers of primary anima with no method of protecting themselves from predatory or egalitarian forces are often prey. Prey either is or becomes the negative image.

Pride: An endo-ideal emotion. A surge of power and affirmation of their endo-ideal status.

Primary anima: Anima obtained through conscious connection to primary sources. Primary anima produces euphoria and prolongs life.

Primary euphoria: Euphoria obtained through conscious connection to primary anima sources.

Privacy: Privacy is ownership of an individual membrane, control over one’s own circles of intimacy and the ability to establish one’s own boundaries of intimacy. Privacy is sovereignty over the most intimate circle of self. It includes control over the body, thought and interactions.

Punitive ascetism: Ascetism as a form of self-flagellation, debasement, deprivation or severe challenge in which the target extracts anima from their own stores (auto-anima) through punishment and shaming. They are then able to experience euphoria from the release of anima, just as predators experience euphoria when anima is released from their prey.

Quantum will: The chooser behind the choice of outcome in quantum interactions. 

Race: A social construct (endoreality) created in order to impose power relations by arbitrary classifications. These have historically included sex, economic class, real or imagined heredity and colourism. The concept, or word, has been sometimes expanded recently (primarily in the United States) to include ideological belief, ancestral language, and self identification.

Random: This is a black box word used by those who choose to deny that every choice includes that which chooses, aka a will. It is usually used to describe an event decided by the quantum will. 

Reaction: A movement demanding change back to a time when a larger portion of the people at the top of the ponzi scheme of power benefited from it. Reactionaries have no interest in changing underlying principles or helping those at the bottom except with promises of reforms trickling down. Reforms in a ponzi scheme will never trickle down as what feeds the top, bleeds the bottom.

Reanimation: The gain of life in an animus.

Ren: Confucian term once translated as manliness, which is, in the old sense of the word man, humanity. Described most clearly in The Analects where it mentions equitable relationships and healthy self-valuation. A term that may be somewhat equivalent to face or personal membrane.

Reflection: The process whereby the empathic conduits of a person are all directed to an external endo-ideal and they act as an obedient enforcer of the laws of endoreality.

Reflector: An endogroup role which causes a person to adopt the perspective of an external endo-ideal and uphold the laws of endoreality. A reflector is seen as obedient and selfless and so avoids the guilt and shame assignment of the negative image. They sublate their own will to the endo-ideal to avoid guilt.

Refraction: The process whereby a person’s core self is redirected to an external self and they give up all autonomy and will to the occupying endo-ideal. Extreme dissociation can result from refraction.

Repeater: A rite or action which brings forth another cluster of interactions from a different spacetime.

Resistance: Building new systems and exosocial networks and defending them against oppressive coercion.

Revolution: A change of the top of a power structure, usually replacing an old oligarch with a representative of the largest or most powerful negative image group. The paradigm remains unchanged.

Revolutionary event: One in which an endo-ideal becomes the negative image for a portion of their former obedient reflectors.

Rites: A practice which can be used as a capacitor or repeater to connect an extended self through space and time.

Sandbox villages: Societies (do not have to be geographically defined) for trying out new ideas for governance and collaboration.

Saviour: A person who replenishes the anima of others and reflects an idealized image of those they save. A reflector.

Science: An endoreality term for an authoritative source of knowledge under scientific – industrial endo-idealism.

Scientific superstition: Fear by scientists of looking at topics outside of their endoreality which is largely the perspective of endo-ideals. Superstition causes a refusal to study, or even acknowledge, anything associated with their negative image, primarily women and indigenous people. 

Sealed well: Databases of public information which have access controlled by corporate owned web pages and apps.

Second age of nations: Hierarchical trade empires which included a powerful extranational merchant class. This class stood between artisans and the upper stratas who owned property and those buying their products. These merchants had access to foreign knowledge and access to those who controlled power and wealth in more than one empire. The widespread adoption of currency provided them with dissociated membership in multiple societies and access to all the privileges of membership. They also had their own networks within the merchant strata of many nations and even frequently their own international language.

Secondary anima: Anima obtained through fear or other stress responses of another, or destruction. It does not result in the experience of joy, improvement of health or the creation of primary anima conduits. It results in highs, crashes and cravings instead of the peace brought by secure primary anima conduits. It eventually helps to create an endoself which is no longer able to access primary anima. 

Secondary euphoria: The experience of secondary anima obtained through sublation or violation.

Secrecy: 1. Ownership and control over  the intimate knowledge of another. 

Secret chamber guilt: A tool of guilt reversal where the discovery of guilt is depicted as more grievous than the original act. Secret chamber guilt is used to negate original guilt and justify guilt, shame and punishment being passed to the accuser instead of the accused. It represents the law of endoreality which dictates that the endo-ideal may never be assigned guilt; therefore, the accuser is guilty of breaking the laws of endoreality by doing so. Under industrial or state endo-idealism, secret chamber guilt is often enforced by law. See also Forbidden chamber.

Seductive coercion: Seduction is coercion through emotional attraction and repulsion. Such coercion includes manipulation and control of information by authoritative endoreality. It is often based on shunning and inclusion.

Self: The unique positioning of an individual relative to others connected through a network of interactions.

Self-governance: Governance by user group.

Sex: There are three powers of sex. The exosocial power creates strong euphoric and empathic bonds and eventually, a shared animus with another person. The endosocial power creates an endosocial membrane, with the subjects joined within the membrane or divided by it. The endogroup power can be used to sublate one self to another within an endogroup membrane.

Sexual connection: Sexual interactions which establish connection. 

Sexualized sublation: Interactions of humiliation or sublation promoted as sex to disguise their nature.

Sexualized violence: Violent interactions promoted as sex to disguise their nature.

Shame: Shame is the experience of deanimation caused by being shunned and the internalization of the perception of the self as the negative image. Shame inhibits the establishment of euphoric conduits or connection.

Share: Division of goods or services to benefit all participants. Sharing is considered fair if all participants have an equal amount or as much as they want or need. Sharing is typically practised among members of a physical community such as a tribe or family or an endogroup such as a corporation or state. It is distinct from giving, which is the allocation of goods or services the recipient is not socially entitled to.

Shunning: The refusal to recognize, acknowledge or interact with another. Punitive deanimation through the loss of anima conduits to others.

Singularity: The common definition is of a technological singularity, a time when artificial intelligence will have progressed to the point of a greater-than-human intelligence. This work refers to social or societal singularities to describe society that is already far too complex and requires too much information processing for individual comprehension to be attainable. We now require mass collaboration to understand any aspect of society or to be able to rationally govern ourselves.

Siren: A powerful person who refuses to reflect an idealized image of others and refuses to dispense anima on demand. A negative image.

Society: A tightly bound network of heavily interdependent relationships between people, often used to describe authoritative endogroups.

Solidarity: The (usually revolutionary) demand that reflectors (the Commoners) unquestioningly uphold endoreality. This is necessary as revolution needs a large hammer with which to remove the old oligarchy and replace it with themselves and also because a revolution which calls itself The [endo-identity] People loses credibility if those people disagree. This demand for sublation eventually requires reflection of reality that is at extreme odds with universal reality. Revolutionary violence usually results in this solidarity as people will sublate their own wills to avoid guilt.

Sorrow: Sorrow is a result of euphoric depletion due to the blockage of euphoric conduits, the unavailability of euphoric sources, the need for an increase in euphoric sources prior to exosocial expansion or the assignment of debt through guilt. There are three primary types of sorrow: loss sorrow, when euphoric sources are no longer available, expansion sorrow, when exosocial expansion is forced, restricted or diverted, and shame sorrow, when exosocial freedom is lost due to the destruction of self by shame.

Spirit: An animus, or energy cluster, which may be attached to a self and may be attached to an emotional will but is decoupled from body and usually conscious. They often appear to be disembodied emotional wills. They have personalities because much of personality is emotional. They sometimes have access to the conscious, or other levels of energy. There are very different attributes between disembodied wills related both to emotional personality and probably what energy level they are, or what they are.

Spacetime: The positioning of interactions relative to other interactions.

State: Highly militarized partitioning of societies into economic markets imposed for segregating, competing, allocating and establishing property ownership. An endogroup established at the nation self level.

Stigmergy: Action based method of collaboration which follows an idea. If people understand and agree on a goal, everyone has autonomy as to how or whether they work to further that goal. Communication is through transparency. Secrecy and ownership of ideas are in opposition to stigmergy.

Strata slipping: To fall from obedient reflector to negative image status or from endo-ideal to reflector (due to sublation to a transcendental endogroup) or from endo-ideal to negative image (due to revolution).

Strata slumming: Associating or identifying with those one perceives as the negative image. The motivation for strata slumming may be the acquisition of power by migratory endo-ideals, in which case the subject will seek to create an endogroup through demanding recognition from other endo-ideals, or it may be a humiliation fetish, in which case they will seek to further caricature and degrade the group they claim to be a member of.

Stratification: The creation of different classes of society and formation of hierarchy based on roles.

Sublated: The state in which one’s interactions and perception of reality are dominated by an external will.

Sublation: The process by which an individual self or an endogroup is merged into a larger endogroup and identifies more strongly with the larger group’s endo-ideal than with their earlier self. One side of an interaction is absorbed into the animus of the other and the dominant will receives the majority of anima. Sublation may be to an endo-ideal or endogroup.

Sublator: Predator who dominates the will of another and creates a shared animus through which they freely access the energy of another.

Supranational: Existing above the power of states or nations.

Sympathy: Pity for another as a result of cognitive analysis and moral judgment.

Synthetic euphoria: Euphoria produced by autopredation on a person’s own body, through use of drugs or similar.

Systems: Interacting people, ideas, infrastructure and labour which work in a common area, similar to ministries in today’s governance. Health, transportation and housing are examples of three different systems. Systems can overlap and cooperate with each other and they have local and global levels. The global level usually acts as an epistemic community of ideas and the local level controls acceptance and rejection of ideas and implementation of them.

Systems of dissociation: Systems constructed to isolate and divide people from their basic needs or each other and their ability to collaborate.

Tall poppy syndrome: The fear, impulse or act of attacking a person who visibly excels above their peers.

Tantalus ascetism: Ascetism which causes a slight lessening of the cravings of an endoself by removing from view objects they are unable to possess. 

The Taxpayer: The obedient reflector of industrial endo-idealism, closely related to The Working Class and The Honest Hardworking Man. Someone willing to exploit their communities and the unpaid labour of lifegivers and caregivers and employ reversed accounting to accuse others of parasiting off of them. Serves an abstracted endo-ideal anthropomorphized as The Economy.

Third age of nations: A supranational empire where trade has fully abstracted the relationship between oligarchs and the people they exploit. The merchants are so powerful and their extranational society so networked, they control the states with a higher supranational form of governance and law in the form of trade agreements and treaties. Unlike power under the elite of the second age, the supranational class at the top of today’s global empire does not need to govern or be involved in any way with the divided state-societies below them. Power has become completely dissociated from governance or the well being of the people of the world under a global mono-empire.

Thought bubble: A group which is closed to outside thought by forum or propaganda. An endogroup with a strong endoreality.

Time: The attraction or movement between two interactions. This may be synonymous with will.

Torture: An attempt to fully sublate another by an external force instigating a struggle for control over the most intimate circle of self, that containing the body, thoughts, self and life. Ascetism under the direction of an external will is torture.

Trade: An endosocial transaction which does not involve connection and is not subject to guilt in the case of imbalance. Trade is conducted between those without the social ties or desire for social ties that accompany sharing or gifting.

Trade economy: An economy which values only goods and services traded to the wealthy and acts as an abstracted force for coercing unbalanced transactions. This creates a form of approval dissociated from society and placed in the hands of the powerful. A method of resource allocation across endosocial barriers.

Trade empire: One which includes an extranational merchant class and is wealthy in large part due to trade.

Trade relationship: An endosocial relationship allowing interactions of unequal force and the accumulation of power.

Transaction: Interactions which do not establish empathic or euphoric conduits through connection but instead facilitate an energy exchange and result in power for the stronger agent.

Transcendence: The sublation of smaller endogroups into a higher authoritative endogroup.

Transcendental endogroup: An endogroup formed through the sublation of smaller endogroups.

Traumatic bond: A bond formed when one will is sublated to another, they share the same animus, or emotional reactions, and are dominated by the same will.

Tribe: A first age nation barely removed from a family structure where all relationships are direct and there is little to no hierarchy or stratification.

Trust networks: A network of people who rely on each other’s knowledge and judgment to filter information and sources.

Truth dictatorships: Powerful information sources or endogroups which present one view of reality as a complete ‘truth’ or ‘fact’.

Tyrant: The idol of a power structure in which anima is taken from the masses and given to the idol. An endo-ideal.

User group: The entire population which will be affected by an action, including no one not affected. User groups range from one person to the entire world.

Universal reality: 1. Reality which is outside the subjective viewpoint of the endo-ideal and is not based on the laws of endoreality. 2. Reality which is outside of macroscopic experience.

Vapour capital: Equity, options, intellectual property and rights, or social capital as a product of class such as position, education, citizenship and connections.

Vapour wealth: Conceptual wealth, not tied to any physical property.

Violation: one animus is attacked by the will of the other to forcibly extract anima.

Violator: Predator who destroys the personal membrane or connections of another animus so they can access the released energy as secondary anima.

Violence: Forceful violation of bodily autonomy. Violence can be used for the same social purposes as laughter: experience of euphoria, self affirmation, self destruction, social affirmation, social exclusion, endogroup domination and endogroup submission. It also has the same powers as sex: the exosocial power creates strong euphoric and empathic bonds with another person, the endosocial power creates an endosocial membrane, with the subjects joined within the membrane or divided by it, and the endogroup power can be used to sublate one self to another within an endogroup membrane.

Vitality: The health of the life energy of an animus, such as that of a person. Good vitality is the ability to establish and maintain a large and diverse quantity of connections to primary anima. Poor vitality is the blockage of anima conduits and the inability to continue exosocial expansion.

Vitology: The study of life energy.

Volition: The process whereby the conscious will initiates action or intercepts an action initiated by the emotional will to allow or deny its execution.

Wealth: An accumulation of social approval, abstracted or otherwise.

Will: That which chooses. The quantum will controls quantum interactions and it may be sublated to the emotional self (which includes external wills) or the conscious. 

Witches: Sources of knowledge or innovation where authoritative power does not want knowledge and innovation.

Wretches: Those hidden from endogroup perspective by the one-way mirror of reflectors and made to absorb all of society’s guilt and punishment. The negative image.

2 thoughts on “Glossary

  1. Pingback: Comment nous en sommes arrivés à être dirigés par les #MangeMorts #OPDeatEaters @OPDEAFRICA | peuples observateurs 2014

  2. Pingback: How we came to be ruled by Death Eaters – Operation DeathEaters

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