The negative image of youth

Last month’s newsletter was about an emerging endo-idealism around age. To clarify, I am talking about the creation of a power structure. Improving health is a wonderful goal. Using it to create a negative image and endo-ideals is not.

As we discussed, the creation of youth endo-idealism included changing the definition of the word age to include migratory endo-ideals. This has led to the new youth endo-ideals being the same male, white, industrial, billionaires that are on top of every other endo-idealism. So, if these decidedly unyouthful people have declared themselves the endo-ideals of youth, who is being cast as the negative image? Let’s take a look.

From The Creation of Me, Them and Us, the eight steps of negative image creation and punishment are: identification, melding, threat assignment, guilt assignment, curse, shunning, punishment and final guilt reversal.

Join the discussion and read the rest of this post here.

Surprise! The negative image of youth endo-idealism is the same as the negative image from all previous endo-idealisms. The same endo-ideals are on top of every power structure because they have the power to redefine words and to allocate virtue and credit to themselves and vice and guilt to the negative image. The same negative image is on the bottom because they cannot create a power structure. As Machiavelli pointed out so long ago, it is very easy to gather a power structure under a new prince who looks just like the old prince.

In my opinion, this is interesting to watch, and the effects will be around for a while, but it will be a short lived event relative to our previous power structures. As I have said many times, endo-idealism is dead and we are just watching many violent death throes. Hopefully soon we will start to see evidence of something more positive emerging.


The book covers are taking forever to be completed for some reason but illustrations for Abstracting Divinity are now complete. This is big because there are close to 50 of them and they are all illustrating very abstract concepts. I love them and I hope they will help people visualize the ideas. I will post the Abstracting Divinity epub on the Discord as soon as the formatting, index, etc are complete. Not much longer because those are straightforward slog.

I can’t wait till they are published and I can focus entirely on Free Will and Seductive Coercion. I am enjoying writing this one so much, it feels like I’m finally on a downhill slope because the ideas are all fully formed. The hardest part is definitely over, even though the next two have a lot of writing left. It will also be nice to just work on one book instead of three and to have all the cover / illustration / indexing / etc decisions made.

I hope you have a peaceful and joyful May. Thank you all so much for being here!

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The age of the body

I am publishing the full post here this month in honour of Spring (where I am at the moment). You can read all the posts and join the discussions with the Binding Chaos community here! This post is more easily understood if you are familiar with the concepts in The Creation of Me, Them and Us, but let me know if you were able to understand the ideas contextually.

The focus that moved from the conscious to the self has moved again, to the body. The obsession which moved from preparation for the afterlife to unmitigated enjoyment of life has moved again, to prolonging life. – Me, in Abstracting Divinity

The move in focus described above is soon to play a very significant part in our current power shifts. We can see the beginnings of a new power structure forming. Let’s watch.

First, we should review what an endogroup is. From The Creation of Me, Them and Us:

There are six components to every endogroup

An identity which enables exclusive membership.

An idealized source of collective reality, residing in a person or ideology.

An existential threat from external forces.

An exceptional myth justifying unequal entitlement.

A negative image, made up of people identified as opposite the ideal.

Reflectors which may exist separately from the negative image in groups of more than two.

So where is this new power structure emerging from the new obsession with bodies? Let’s look first for a new endo-identity.

Something is happening to the word age. Age is a word that has had the same definition for a very long time. It shares an origin with the word era. It is a measure of time. The verb, to age, was to achieve an ideal or completed state, like cheese or wine. The origin of the word old meant to be grown, or tall and big. Old was a state of superiority.

As we have discussed, the state of being old has become a negative image designation. Aging is now to be feared instead of celebrated, not just by women. So if old is the new negative image, is youth the new endo-ideal? Only in endoreality.

Despite being a measurable, immutable attribute, age is also a marker of endogroup status. Where endo-identity exists, migratory endo-ideals also exist. Migratory endo-ideals are endo-ideals who do not fit the original definition of the word used as an endo-identity. They change the definition so that they not only fit the endo-identity, but they are the most special members. Because these people are already endo-ideals, they have the authority to change the definition of a word already in use to define a group of people. First they change the definition to include them, then they add adjectives to cast the original as the negative image.

Since youth is now an endo-identity, the definition of youth is being changed to include migratory endo-ideals. In this case, those are the endo-ideals from the previous power structure, which were elders. Elder endo-idealism has had a revolutionary event and elders are increasingly, the negative image. As in all revolutions, If the last shall be first, the almost last have a new fight to be last.The previous endo-ideals must reverse direction and attempt to claim status as their previous negative image.

The first sign of this was in the sliding definition of youth used by the millennial generation. A very unsubstantiated myth was built up around maturity being complete at the age of 25. Even if maturity was a defined state, brain development is not a stable attribute. People may lose their ability to exercise conscious will when they age and under a variety of other circumstances. This strength or weakness is not a measure of youth. But anyway. First 25, then 30 year olds were considered too young to be adults.

Lately we have a new definition of age. In 1969, the first paper appeared which used the term ‘biological aging’ in the place of senescence. This usage has dramatically increased with the rise of epigenetics in the last decade. Dr. Andrea Britta Maier, co-director of the Centre for Healthy Longevity at the National University of Singapore, says biological age is “the accumulation of damage we can measure in our body.” That definition already has a word and the word is senescence. Senescence, which shares an origin with senility, is the process of deterioration and loss of function in living organisms. Cellular senescence is the loss of a cell’s ability to divide. Senescence is a great word and, if conveying meaning were the goal, there is a lot that could be expressed by using this word to explain body deterioration. But senescence is not one number. It is definitely not a number that corresponds neatly to chronology in human lives.

Biological age is not a thing. The definition of age is a measure of time and it has nothing to do with biology. You can increase bone density, lower cholesterol and delay cellular senescence, but you can’t stop or change age. Age is not biological; it is chronological. Whenever you see people completely ignore the definition of a word, and just start insisting it means something it clearly doesn’t, you have endoreality. Where you have endoreality, you have endogroups.

But there’s more. The new definition isn’t a definition. If you ask what it means you will get subjective waffle and an ever-changing list of ‘markers’, created by endo-ideals. You will also get many other supposed ‘types of age’. In other words, you will get an endoreality definition. This new endoreality is heavily supported by a recent flurry of academic and scientific papers, so it is authoritative endoreality. Very quickly, the new term ‘biological age’ is being replaced by ‘real age’ and the term ‘age’ is being replaced by ‘chronological age’. Those who fit the universal definition of youth are now a sub-category of their own category. This step in endogroup formation was described in the Something Larger chapter of The Creation of Me, Them and Us.

Which brings us to the new endo-ideals.

In The Creation of Me, Them and Us, the five primary types of exceptional myth were identified as:

The new endo-ideals are primarily those already sitting on top of all the current power structures. They are ticking all the above boxes for their exceptional myth. There is Superiority. It is an undeniable fact that there are now people in their 50s and even 60s who look better, healthier and as though they will live longer than people in their 20s. The 70s and 80s do not look bad at all either. It is doubtful that has ever been the case before unless the young person was suffering a terminal illness.

The vast majority of the people commonly held up as examples of this superiority are women, but they are not given credit for achievement. Instead, they are denigrated for not aging gracefully (the new act ladylike) and full credit is given to their supposed surgeons, even when the results are clearly far beyond anything possible with surgery. Surgeons and anti-aging CEOs are given the credit for these women’s achievement. This adds to the superiority exceptional myth of wealth-scientific-industrial-male endo-idealism. Endo-ideal men such as Bryan Johnson, 46, who would not look particularly good for someone 20 years older than his age, are directly credited with great achievement in anti-aging. The aforementioned authoritative subjective waffle about age is used to insist that people deny the evidence of their own eyes and define him as youthful.

These men are the Leaders of the new power structure. The Leaders are already male, white, industrial, billionaires which makes them exceptional under all the still powerful current endo-idealisms. They are depicted as altruistic and saving the world. Their Destiny is epic: Don’t Die. Their Creation is virtuous: deathless existence. Their Persecution and existential threat is from the doubters and death itself. Remember how an endogroup requires an existential threat? According to Bryan Johnson, “Death is now our only foe.” He and other leaders have a particularly culty group of supporters and a wider group of interested observers who are serving as reflectors.

So who will be the negative image? As in all things endoreality, it is not the obvious choice. If you are interested in exploring that aspect, let me know!


The new edition of The Creation of Me, Them and Us is up on the Discord. It will be posted on all the distributor sites as soon as all the different book cover formats are complete and the book has been approved by the distributors.

Illustrations, index and covers are being completed for Abstracting Divinity and it will be posted on the Discord as soon as it is presentable.

I am working on Shaping Reality and Free Will and Seductive Coercion and getting really excited about both. Free Will and Seductive Coercion will probably be out first.

Thank you all so much for your patience. I hope you have an amazing April!

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2024 resolutions

I wrote this to talk about Free Will and Seductive Coercion, and then realized that, even though I am in a great mood, this doesn’t sound like a merry merry happy happy newsletter. Let me explain. For me, being an optimist is watching the world fall apart because it needed to. That makes me happy because then the problems are obvious to everyone and we can rebuild. Sorry my little chats always turn so dark but I mean them in the most positive way!

I had two conversations this month that have made me think a lot about elders right now. One was with a woman who worked at a facility for elders in poverty. The horrors that were briefly exposed in elder care homes during covid areas bad or worse than ever but no longer talked about. She was saying that she planned to return to her childhood home in the Philippines when she retired because, even though she hadn’t been there all her adult life, she knew she would be taken care of properly. The other conversation was with a woman who works at a care home for dementia patients. We were talking about a lot of topics I explore further in Free Will and Seductive Coercion, regarding infantilization and its effects on brain usage, will power and self image. The latest development in her place of work is researchers experimenting with getting AI and robots to provide ‘care’ to ‘dementia’ patients. Dementia in quotes because that has become a very weaponized diagnosis. Notably, lack of human interaction is a key risk factor for the disease.

Where I grew up, elders were never alone. People dropped by their places constantly. People met at elder’s houses, since there were no coffee shops. Daily life also ensured daily visitors. My village was built on the cliff-hills of a T-bone, where an extremely steep creek canyon met an extremely steep river canyon. There was no indoor plumbing, and heating and cooking was with wood. Elders were guaranteed a visit every day by the boy who packed water up the hill for them and the boy who chopped wood, at the very least.

Most places I have lived around the world had the same sort of social construction, with elders at the centre. It was often deemed essential that they go to the market every day. Sometimes that meant someone had to drop by every morning and take them to the market. Sometimes it meant they just went to the market and met everyone there. Often they still had their own stalls at the market. In any case, they were a part of everyone’s daily life. Religious life also kept them busy and centred. I’m sure the habit of building churches and sacred sites on the top of hills did wonders for cardio.

In The Creation of Me, Them and Us, I talked about the contempt-shame symbiosis:

Shame is inflicted through contempt. Contempt is an emotion directed downward, from the endo-ideal to reflectors and the negative image and from reflectors to the negative image. Contempt serves to increase the separation between the person experiencing it and the humiliated person or group. Shame is the inverse of contempt and is felt in response to an interaction upwards.

The contempt-shame symbiosis casts someone as the negative image and the anger-fear symbiosis causes an energy transfer. It is contempt which causes shame which causes depression which causes memory loss, confusion, timidity and sometimes anger at the enforced sublation. Fear of the repercussions of their weakness and the lack of support increase all those symptoms. These are the same responses that children have when contempt is directed towards them. It is the same effect that has happened to those in poverty, those with poor health, women/immigrants/ethnicities in places they were not welcome, the negative image of every endo-idealism.

Industrialized culture’s contempt for elders started with newly isolated women. This contempt became overwhelming as soon as a woman gave birth. “Your mom” is both a joke and a synonym for imbecile. As soon as children start school now, they begin to exchange meaningful glances and snickers whenever a parent speaks, and this is normalized. By the time a person starts to age in earnest, one syllable words are shouted at them as though they were the toddlers. So many people seem to emerge from any interaction with an elder with a ‘funny story’ that depicts the elder as an idiot. This is regardless of their true state. If someone in their 20s is groggy, people laugh with them. If they are 60 or 80, the exact same mental drift is laughed at. This is shunning of the negative image. The social affirmation laughter granted the 20 year old becomes social exclusion laughter as they age.

When I was little, no one had dementia because we didn’t call it dementia. We just said. “Oh, she thought it was daytime.” or “He was remembering when he was young.” It wasn’t at all a shameful thing to be old enough that your mind wandered, and it didn’t trigger any loss of respect. But also, elders were extremely sharp and healthy compared to what they became if they had to go outside for a few months or years. If they stayed in the community, their minds wouldn’t really wander until they were close to death. As my friend working with dementia patients agreed, social treatment causes a significant part of the symptoms.

But let’s not pretend it is a wandering mind or even physical weakness that is causing the lack of respect here. Elders are largely not being helped in industrialized communities to live the way they wish. They are being sublated. In elder centred communities, the elder is still giving orders and having respectful conversations daily. In industrialized communities, adult offspring are often absent during all of their parents aging struggles, or they appear just to berate, humiliate and threaten them for their difficulties. Elders are socially isolated until someone suddenly appears with doctors and lawyers to assume executive function, not to clean the house and file the tax. The price of the help is sublation of will. A will that is not exercised will be lost as surely as a muscle.

Yes, industrialized culture fears and shuns elders as a result of their fear of death, but that’s not all. Elders in industrialized communities are treated with contempt because they are an industry product and consumer, not an industry worker. That is all it takes. First, that negative image was children, then women, then anyone with a health or financial challenge, then elders and now?

Well what do you think will happen when jobs are largely industrialized and everyone is a consumer-product with a sublated will, fed passive, infantilized, automated interactions with pre-made decisions? ‘Early onset dementia’ is a rapidly growing disease.

Our minds are being destroyed by algorithms from a very young age. Shame is brought by an inundation of bodies, lives and achievements that make our own feel worthless and a lack of real connection. Conscious will is weakened by every dopamine producing entertainment our brains are fed from birth forward. This will apparently not receive widespread acknowledgement or be addressed until it spreads past the population segments, like elders, that can be ostracized. We are now at the point where it has become an almost universal condition. The most significant target at the moment is those who are young enough to have been raised with technology, and particularly men. Having technology designed specifically to target your demographic is not always an advantage. With all the miles of text devoted to male crises, this point is usually omitted.

The problem with our future is not AI. It is that AI is being developed to mimic our existing social structures with zero examination of said structures. This is what I said in Binding Chaos regarding cryptocurrencies and social media – they just showed how broken the systems they were mimicking were. The problems pointed out in Binding Chaos, such as search engines which show you the world the algorithm decided you would like, are still with us. But now they are embedded in the DNA of an even more pervasive and unquestioned technology.

Some people still tell me they don’t get what my current writing has to do with my earlier work. Technology is automating a structure of civilization that has not been first examined. There has been zero analysis of what we are trying to create or why beyond simply replicating what exists. (Yes, zero. What has been produced does not qualify as analysis.) If we don’t understand the role and nature of will, we are not going to anticipate or recognize its destruction, or even understand why that matters.

I wish you all a healthy self and a strong and focused conscious and will for 2024. Here’s to New Year’s resolutions!!

Join the Binding Chaos community and read all the newsletters!!

Radical science

“When capital enlists science in her service, the refactory hand of labour will always be taught docility.” – Andrew Ure, 1835i

The problems with the scientific community were hardly news to scientists. Joseph Needham was concerned in 1935 about the impact of “scientific opium”, “a blindness to the suffering of others” and “a ruthlessness derived from the very statistical character of the scientific method itself” which “may too easily be applied to human misfits and deviationists in the socialist world order”. He addressed the scientific zeal to overcome all the evils of existence with the warning, “the problem of evil is not capable of so simple a resolution.”ii

After the atomic bomb was used in World War II, the world’s scientists enjoyed a boom in the United States in service to its ever-expanding military. The military expanded science and science expanded military in an all encompassing death dance that dwarfed all other funding and absorbed vast quantities of scientific thought and global potential. At this point scientists were not responding solely to their own very ample bigotries. They were being trained with military propaganda and their findings were spun by military propagandists. US President Dwight Eisenhower’s famous 1961 speech warning of the military industrial complex reminded us, “The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present.”iii Any of science’s already tenuous claims at being apolitical and ideology free died during the science race of the cold war. J.D. Bernal wrote in 1958, “The only time I could get my ideas translated in any way into action in the real world was in the service of war.”iv The militarization and commodification of science was a fait accompli.

There were many efforts initiated in the 20th century to widen the perspective of scientists and to stop those projects which were destructive to humanity in favour of those which would be beneficial. Protests over scientists’ participation in weapons of mass destruction and exploitation of the environment were held in the late sixties, including the formation of the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) in 1969. The Edinburgh branch of BSSRS helped run a teach-in about pollution which was attended by an estimated thousand people in 1970.v “It becomes essential to take binding steps which cut off one’s line of retreat… we have to fix it so they wouldn’t have us back even if we wanted to come.” Robert Young declared in


By the 1980s, the removal of most research out of universities and into top secret research facilities muzzled dissent and greatly reduced awareness of what science was doing.vii The development of Science and Technology Studies (STS) to study the relationship between scientific knowledge, technological systems, and society was a painful attempt to study the impact of scientific isolation from society from an academic vantage point still isolated from society.viii The earlier radical science movement was often explicitly socialist, even explicitly Marxist. After the political failures of communism and technological utopia, striving for any type of political end fell very out of favour. Scientific circles sought to remove politics and ideology from their organizations and work entirely, returning to 1926 when Martin Heidegger declared “the end of philosophy”, and claimed that “science does not think”.ix

Of course, this was the equivalent of burying their heads in the sand as outside the lab, in the offices of their directors and funders, they were owned by politics and capitalist ideology. As journalism loses any claims of being unbiased as soon as it selects a topic as newsworthy, science is not apolitical as soon as it selects a topic of study. Science does not follow purely intellectual inquiry in pursuit of the greatest understanding. Science is not a science. Science has been a means of allowing officially accepted truths to emanate from only one class under direction from the ruling class. What scientific thought is doing much of the time is no more or less than what this book is doing: providing one framework out of a vast array of different possible frameworks and choosing to view the world through that framework and study only the issues that make up that framework. This can be a very helpful exercise for providing a certain perspective but it certainly does not result in a single indisputable truth.

“Scientists always stomp around meetings talking about ‘bridging the two-culture gap’, but when scores of people from outside the sciences begin to build just that bridge, they recoil in horror and want to impose the strangest of all gags on free speech since Socrates: only scientists should speak about science!” – Bruno Latour, 1999x

The much resisted opening of the knowledge hoarded by science, as well as long overdue scrutiny of the activities of scientists, has brought a great deal of very valid criticism of both. The slur that anyone who questions them is anti-science is ironically used to silence anyone who questions the methods and motivations of scientists. The idea that criticism or a demand for transparency is an attack, or that any criticism is dangerous and anti-knowledge, is simply more evidence of the scientific class acting like a closed and extremist cult instead of a method of producing verified knowledge. This is the reaction of an elite class outraged and panickedxi that anyone is questioning their authority and control over knowledge, much like news media did before them. If scientists are no longer an ingroup with very different rules for their outgroups, then everyone must be free to examine them just as they examine everyone. Despite the very popular and publicly redeeming efforts of the scientific community in the work to protect the environment, and the fight against industry for acceptance of scientific findings on the environment, there is still no integrated structure of public audit or transparency.

Thomas Kuhn could point out in 1962 that science viewed the world through a series of periodically revolutionized paradigmsxii but the same critique from the poststructuralists outside the scientific community was met by enough hostility that the critique and reaction were popularly dubbed the Science Wars of the 1990s. In Higher Superstition: The Academic Left and Its Quarrels with Sciencexiii Paul Gross and Norman Levitt insist that those who question them do not believe in reality itself. Who but science could claim that only they know reality and they alone are influenced by nothing? We are to believe they create their ideas directly from the primordial soup, a godlike feat indeed. This unquestioning belief that science has the sole key to facts and reality has given us an educational system that graduates people more ignorant than when they went in. There is a point in the process of being educated on a topic when the student is full of information and convinced they have all the facts and solutions. If education progresses and experience is broadened, they will discover nuance and context and layers of alternating perspectives and realize they have only ideas which may or may not bring the results they are hoping for. Without this broadened perspective, scientists become more convinced in their own infallibility, or at least superiority. At least the uneducated understand their own ignorance.

The highly inaccurate and unscientific idea that the challengers of science are The Academic Left is an invitation to further persecute that subsect of academia who were already purged from academia and driven from their jobs in the west during the cold war. In a brief exchange with a New York Review of Books literary criticxiv the authors also bring the critic’s leftist politics to the forefront in the first paragraph of their rebuttal. For a pair of scientists intent on proving that science is apolitical, it is obvious that mentioning someone’s political beliefs is their go to method of lumping all of their critics together and discrediting all of their beliefs based on one political belief. The Academic Left is also a not very veiled reminder that the ideas of everyone who is not a caucasian man are still superstition. Others may acquire education but then their ideas are just “higher superstition”. The reference to “the left” is also a nod to the history of radical science which attempted to warn the world about environmental destruction and weapons manufacturing in the 1960s and 1970s. A 1977 Daily Mail article foreshadowed the 1994 book when it depicted a BSSRS action against the British Science Association as “the Left has Science by the throat” with no acknowledgment that the BSSRS were also scientists.

The political accusations are also meant to imply that the authors are, by defending the status quo, apolitical. Establishment scientists see themselves as an international class like Olympians, and like Olympians, they see themselves as apolitical while standing on politically funded podiums representing political alliances. The co-option of science by industry is depicted as the conventional stance and the fight for science for humanity is depicted as a fringe attack on science. The casting out the Left from science and the depiction of all opposition as the Left is nothing if not political. Choosing the status quo is not the same as being apolitical or non-ideological. Higher Superstition claimed an agenda by “postmodern and feminist critics, AIDS activists, environmentalists, animal rights advocates and others”xv against “reality”. It is not hard to discern in their defense of reality a political defense of the supremacy of the status quo and the exceptionalism of the wealthy, western man.


BSSRS cartoon about sexism in science

It is only with no connection at all to reality that a person could fail to notice, particularly in the 1990s, the neglect of diseases such as AIDS (or now ebola), the lack of representation of women and minorities in test results or the experimentation on lower classes for the benefit of higher classes. The reality science described was of course a reflection of the bigotries and group narcissism of the scientific community. Scientists’ insistence on presenting themselves as a pure meritocracy depends on public acceptance of this reality. Valuations of people which place IQ above strength or kindness and compensate years of university ahead of shortened life expectancy is part of the reality science has created for us. The group narcissism of scientists sees itself as the standard and lashes out at the slightest criticism. Like a traveler in Einstein’s elevator they are not fit to measure or even detect the elevator they are traveling in.


Cartoon from Science for People, issue 43

As Gary Wersky described in 2007, “The conviction grew in some that, far from being allies in the fight against ‘higher superstition’, STS ‘social constructionists’ had joined hands with an academic left made up of feminist scholars and postmodernist English professors in an unholy conspiracy to undermine the legitimacy and authority of science.”xvi By depicting all critics as a block of uniform opinion and politically motivated ideology and depicting all criticism as an existential threat, science slammed and bolted the doors to constructive (or deconstructive) criticism. This lack of acceptance of outside critique led to criticism being formed outside of the community instead of in tandem with it. Such criticism was then rejected by scientists who complained it frequently lacked both understanding and intellectual rigour. Science refused any meaningful use of outside critique and forced all interested parties into two parallel and uncommunicating streams. Science lost the opportunity to open their epistemic communities and create knowledge bridges which would provide much needed critique in a rigorously vetted and usable standard. They instead left their critics free to collect an outside audience to view both the closed hostility of the scientific community and any sometimes poorly founded sniping of those outside. The public is now left with a choice between acceptance of the wildest of conspiracy theorists or blind faith in the closed and frequently sociopathic science industry because scientists refuse to be questioned by those they very transparently see as inferiors.

The distrust sown and never reconciled was easily exploited by demagogues such as Thatcher and Reagan. Science became even more isolated and alienated from a misunderstanding and judgmental public and even more did they require the protection of their exploiters from government and industry. The hostility perplexed Bruno Latour as he wrote “Far from not believing in reality, surely science studies has added reality to science.”xvii But the reality added by science studies was reality from the perspective of outgroups and it polluted the clear lens of the scientific community, the only view accepted by them as the one clear reality. “How could we be pitted against the scientists?” Latour wondered. “Are biologists anti-life, astronomers anti-stars, immunologists anti-anti-bodies?” Sadly, the answer is not a clear no. Scientists, from the time science first decided that nature would reveal its secrets more readily under torture, have most often taken positions in opposition to the objects of their study. Scientists who are so suspicious of science studies may be projecting from their own relationship to those they study.

“The duty of the man who investigates the writings of scientists, if learning the truth is his goal, is to make himself an enemy of all that he reads, and … attack it from every side.” Hasan Ibn al-Haytham 1011-1021

Whether science likes it or not, science is a part of a wider community and impacts a wider community and must be audited by and transparent to all those they affect. The insistence that we are to believe that all scientific and industrial developments are safe until proven unsafe or that we are to trust regulatory boards and studies commissioned and funded by the very industry that would be profiting from it are not reasonable. Those scientists who see doubt of them as a lack of respect for their higher ranking, and their doubt of the experiences of the lower classes as healthy skepticism, must be overruled. Outside critique must be integrated within the process of science and not seen as an enemy attack. The scientific method must be expanded to include integration and feedback with the entire society and ecosystem impacted.

The most persistent complaint of scientists is that their critics do not have the knowledge to critique them usefully. The Socal hoax in 1996 involved a physicist convincing a small academic journal to publish a parody of the worst of scientific critique as evidence of their lack of scientific rigour. He was asked to change all of the worst elements of the article and refused. The journal published his article in the end in deference to his scientific credentials as he was the only natural scientist who had submitted to their Science Wars edition and thus they became the butt of the hoax. Despite the fact that he proved they “felt comfortable publishing an article on quantum physics without bothering to consult anyone knowledgeable in the subject”xviii he also proved much more than he set out to do.

Social Text was a small publication in no way to be confused with a professional science journal. The alternative takeaway from the Socal Affair is that journals show deference to the scientific community over those trying to be heard from the outside, even in the most sympathetic of editions of the most sympathetic of journals. He also proved that journals will publish a certified expert even when it is obvious to them that his methods and conclusions are not of a professional standard. The Socal Affair did not prove that this same deference was afforded to anyone not recognized as an expert and the journal’s response that “Less well known authors who submit unsolicited articles to journals like ours may now come under needless suspicion”xix intimated that he had aggravated the credibility divide. The fact that science’s gossip magazine Lingua Franca published Socal’s exposé with no opportunity for rebuttal given to the journal even further shows the double standards between the two worlds as does the fact that Socal suffered no professional repercussions for his outgroup hoax which would certainly not have been tolerated within the community of professional scientific journals. Socal’s depiction of the outside critics as “barbarian hordes”xx did more to illustrate the problem with science than the problem with its critics. Science responded to perceived criticism that they were an isolated and narcissistic community with demands for isolation and proof of group narcissism.

The unfortunate part of this reaction is not just the loss to science but also the loss to its critics. There were a great many valid criticisms that needed to be made about the excesses of reactionary poststructionalism in the 1990s, and we are feeling the repercussions from the lack of correction today. The idea grew among the political descendants of radical science that a lack of cultural hegemony had contributed to the failure of Marxism, so they invested more and more into identity politics. Rojek and Turner in 2000, while once more depicting science critics in the U.K. as Left-wing, also contributed valid points. They critiqued the critics own group narcissism including “the self image …[that cultural studies] are closer to material reality” and “its own variety of moral arrogance, intellectual narrowness and over-confidence”. They asserted that cultural studies contributed to revising power relationships primarily at an aesthetic level, was deeply politicized and magnified current local conditions over broader and historical trends. They pointed out the negative and reactive nature of postmodernism which produced “an undecideable sea of micro-relationships” and “the privileging of the cultural over the social and economic”. They also claimed that postmodernism “Although profoundly politicized … has no tenable or sustained political agenda” and accused its proponents of careerism.xxi

Seventeen years later, it is obvious that the above criticism was valid and ought to have received more discussion and resolution. Instead, each side progressed in hostile and opposing thought bubbles, each pointing at how bad the other is, like two political parties. Neither side included the wider public and neither offered solutions to use criticism more effectively. Anger sells and pointing out faults is easy. Solutions are difficult to develop, difficult to explain and risky to implement. Far fewer people read scientific papers than social media. Criticism of a broad societal hierarchy devolved into the rise of micropolitics and the social media microcelebrity hierarchy. Dissidence became a career, not a means to a solution. Division and hostility sell. The everything is political post modernists of academia brought us the everyone is a demographic politicians of representative democracy and the every microaggression is a career thought leaders of Twitter.

The division of dissent into packets of identity politics allowed scientific establishment to appease the individual sects with initiatives of political correctness. The radical science of the 1960s and 1970s, which fought issues such as weapons, environmental destruction and technologies of political control, were transformed into institutions for cultural studies and feminist critiques. Radical magazines like Science for People, Radical Science Journal and Undercurrents were replaced by sectarian courses of study, politically pleasing, reactive, narrow in perspective and low on facts. Radical science had also been concerned with inclusion of marginalized groups but today it is the issues which are marginalized. A war which was to fight the direction humanity was taking was reduced to a war over whether all sects were properly represented in our mutual destruction.

Thanks partly to its critics, science has lost all of its metanarratives. There is no longer a goal specific to science, or none which is acknowledged. There is a purpose to all action, and where it is not defined by the actor they will follow a purpose assigned to them. In the case of science, they follow their funders and their purpose is to exploit the earth and its inhabitants for maximum profit. Even where scientists fight against the destruction of the earth in its entirety, that is in line with their capitalist mandate. They are still enabling the exploitation of each piece of it individually. The idea that science is too impartial and apolitical to follow a metanarrative is contradictory to the very existence of science. Science once defined itself and its claim to reason as the very essence of humanity, as the higher purpose of humanity’s existence and as proof of humanity’s superiority. Without the idea of collecting, cataloguing and expanding all the knowledge of humanity, science would never have existed much less had a singular goal to follow with such religious zeal. The scientific community needs to once more clearly define its purpose.

It is not enough for science to be separated from malevolence by a few degrees to claim to be apolitical. The benefits to the scientific community of alliance with militaries and governments is a loss for collaboration and global knowledge. A movement which, for all its faults, existed to build commons knowledge for the betterment of humanity willingly walked into secret chambers to work for the destruction of humanity. Autonomy for groups in society is a privilege granted by the wider societies. This privilege can and should be lost when the group begins to act in a manner which is a danger to the wider society. The autonomy and trust enjoyed by many in the higher stratas of knowledge, religion and politics has been proven repeatedly to be dangerous to all of their out groups. These groups can no longer be organized in isolated and autonomous stratas. The work of scientists affects entire communities not in their stratas. Input from and transparency to the rest of the user groups is essential.

Excerpted from Autonomy, Diversity, Society. Citations will be transferred when I get a minute.

Objective cruelty

“The socialist society must therefore guard against taking over from science too much of scientific abstraction, scientific statistical ruthlessness, and scientific detachment from the individual.” – Joseph Needham, 1935i

The religious and political ideologies celebrating individualism and liberty were established to justify the use of the earth and all people and animals on it by a very restricted class of men. The restriction of science and academia to this same group developed the tools and further justification for exploitation. The popular individualism did not translate into autonomy for women over their bodies or indigenous people over their land. Europe’s scientific revolution occurred during a time when Europe was rejecting the bureaucratic patriarchy1 system of rule which had crushed their peasantry since the middle ages. It was necessary to create racism to replace religious bigotry as justification for slavery and land theft in the Americas, especially in the United States which espoused religious freedom. It was also necessary to replace patriarchy as a justification for the subjugation of women in the new fraternal order of the west.2 This new fraternal order was headed by the new men of science and scholarship, particularly after they broke the guilds’ control of information, so they set to creating explanations and justifications for their new order.

The push to isolate and classify everything and the reverence accorded to any opinions from the scientific class both established and justified sexism and racism. The sadism towards and dehumanization of everyone not in their class served to both establish an ingroup with no outside loyalty and to justify the exploitation of all outside of it. The exceptionalism of this group established by the new ownership and access to knowledge fed group narcissism within and dependency without, entrenching the racism and sexism that established it. Like religion, science was used to create division in service to the trade economy. Unlike religion, which was used to divide people into opposing societies, science was used to divide global society against the lowest classes.

In its war against all indigenous and female forms of knowledge, science created a near religious cult of nihilistic reason, a supposedly male faculty which celebrated a sociopathic disregard for animals, humans other than educated caucasian men and even the earth itself. Science as a religion was complete with prophets and promises to rid the world of evil and hardship through enlightenment. The saviour mentality that came with science, promised to free us all from drudgery, illness and even death, through finding all the truths. Acceptance or acknowledgment of scientific ideas or progress came with demands for unquestioning faith based devotion to both the ideas and the prophets. Any excesses of sadism and destruction were justifiable if they were depicted as a sacrifice to the twin gods of science and the trade economy as both were to be the path to our salvation. Any humanitarian concern was contemptuously compared to old traditions and religions and said to block progress. Human rights and environmental activists that opposed scientific nihilism or industry were depicted as naive, childlike and overwhelmingly female and indigenous as opposed to wise, professional, caucasian men.

Descartes assured the world that animals felt no pain on vivisectionii, contrary to the knowledge of people everywhere who lived with, observed and frequently worshiped animals. He and other scientists wrote that animal reactions were purely mechanical just as the same group of men were attempting to convince the courts that women’s tears were not to be trusted. The insistence that animals and the earth were given to man for his use and exploitation echo the claims that women were intended only for childbirth. The denial of the reality or importance of the pain of animals echoes the insistence that women were intended to experience extreme pain and frequent death in childbirth. Torture was justified by the pursuit of knowledge, in persecution of witches and terrorists and in science.

Eco-feminists of the 1970s forward have frequently pointed out the similarity in rhetoric when describing the scientist attitude towards the earth and its role as a thing to be exploited by trade and the rhetoric towards women and their role in lifegiving. The push to maximize production beyond need or the safety of women or the earth and the justification of anything sacrificed to the great trade economy god show the same ideology behind both. Mother nature was treated by the same principle as mothers, if they died fulfilling their role it was god’s wish or their destiny.

Freud called women the “dark continent”iii in a comparison with the uncolonized regions of Africa. Carolyn Marchant Bacon has found a great deal of similarity between the scientific exploration of nature and the Inquisition’s investigation of the secrets of witchcraftiv, not surprisingly as the same group of academic men were discussing both. “In 1696 Leibniz wrote about “the art of inquiry into nature itself and of putting it on the rack—the art of experiment which Lord Bacon began so ably.” Four years later, Jean Baptiste du Hamel, secretary of the Paris Academy of Sciences, wrote, “We discover the mysteries of nature much more easily when she is tortured [torqueatur] by fire or some other aids of art than when she proceeds along her own road.”v The belief that witches had power over nature which the scientists jealously sought to own and the respect accorded to the knowledge of witches which scientists also wanted for themselves, made the two wars against witches and against nature even more connected.

Experiments which would horrify the wider society have been a common theme in science since its establishment and continue The need to develop a collaborative body of knowledge had to be tempered by the need to restrict knowledge of its activities from the wider society. The preexisting class of scientists was therefore entrenched by limited access and restriction of scientific research to only their class. This restriction further exacerbated the racism and sexism science was born with and produced an ever-expanding list of atrocities conducted by scientists on those in classes below them. Ingroups are partially created by shunning and cruelty to outgroups and the intensity of the cruelty contributes to the intensity of the ingroup bonding.3 The scientific preference for reason over passion, or scientific experiment over sympathy, empathy or love, provided fertile ground for this cruelty. The scientific class then used their own standards and culture to pronounce what is normative for all societies, to depict sociopathy as incurable and the supposed greater good as justification for atrocities.

The continual harassment of nature and people is not simply for knowledge. In the world run by the trade economy that knowledge must find a use and a buyer.

Scientists did not just study the world around them, they also used their power as the arbiters of knowledge to recommend actions, not least in the way we ought to treat each other. Darwin told the world that hardly any one is so ignorant as to allow his worst animals to breed.”vii and hoped both that the “weaker and inferior” humans would refrain from marriage and that open competition would be encouraged which would allow the most able to succeed best. The trade economy trained people to look up at those more advantaged instead of down at those less advantaged and to feel envy instead of pity. Those who spent their lives striving for more advantages for themselves instead of assisting those more disadvantaged found a perfect moral justification in Darwin’s expert opinions.

Unlike some of his fellow scientists such as Arthur de Gobineauviii, Darwin did not believe in racial superiority or even different races of humans and he was a slavery abolitionist. These qualifications are commonly used to excuse him of promoting eugenics. It is only possible to excuse his writings in a world so fixated on the idea of race that they do not see class. Darwin was certainly wishing the lowest classes would cease to exist. The trade economy has continued to carry his survival of the fittest ideas forward to the unnecessary misery of billions, with very few objections. Mass murder is only considered genocide if it is against a nation or a fictional race. The extermination of the bottom class is still considered part of the natural order as preached by the scientific community. As Gary Wersky has pointed outix, that “weaker and inferior” bottom class included the unemployed. Hitler’s T4 Program was only following the popular international eugenics movement when it ordered execution of anyone deemed a burden on society, that society being defined as corporations. Valuation of people according to scientists was and is the same as the corporate valuation. The earlier fad of IQ testing is today largely replaced by academic testing but the corporate standards continue and the misery assigned to those who fail also continues. Herding people into slums based on the idea of race is now decried but herding people into slums based on corporate valuation is widely accepted. The eugenics program called economics continues.

Eugenics, and periodic other justifications of active or passive mass murder, are not an example of scientists putting reason over emotion. They are an example of the scientific class advocating cruelty to an outgroup. If scientists truly wanted to improve the human species, they would be investigating solutions to the tropical diseases and dysentery killing children more than male pattern baldness and erectile dysfunction.[cite] No scientist has pointed out that the wealthy are contributing the least labour to society. Instead of advocating that these most unproductive members of society be expelled from the nest (as capitalist reason may dictate), scientists are testing blood transfusions to allow the wealthy to feed off the young to extend their youth [cite] and preserving only that number of the young required to maintain the elderly. Scientists also continually experiment on prisoners and the poor for the benefit of the higher classes who can afford their products. Scientific reason is really economic advantage.

Neither are Darwin’s recommendations an isolated incident of a scientist unwittingly saying something which causes real world harm. Scientists have been protected for years by the claim that they are just seeking knowledge and they can’t control where their funding comes from, but scientists have been an actively participating part of every atrocity being committed against the general public for many years. From experimenting on prisoners for the cosmetics industry to torturing people for the military to creating surveillance and weapons worldwide, the scientific class has been as complicit as the industrial or political classes in maintaining oppressive tyranny and far less accountable than either. Protection from the public by both secrecy and limited access, dependency on the powerful for their own right to exist and an overwhelming group narcissism which celebrates the distance between themselves and the classes below them, have isolated the scientific class from empathy with the humanity they study and experiment on.

Intellectual justification for mass atrocities was taken from theology to science as science began to play god. The idea of ideal vs defective people replaced good and evil, but the defective were condemned just the same. Scientific labeling and categorization, the greater good, utilitarianism, reason over empathy and the justification of improving nature were used in aid of mass atrocities in the politics of both the left and the right. The concept of the greater good relies on an affiliated group being defined which will benefit from shunning those it considers harmful. Like theologists and capitalists, scientists were not all guilty or even acquiescent with the atrocities aided by some. They are all however, participating in and enabling a class structure which enables and ignores atrocities to its outgroups.

Scientists and academics stand with their own as strongly as every other class and far more effectively than most. Dr. Aubrey Levin headed a South African apartheid era torture program which used methods such as chemical castration, electric shocks and incomplete sexual reassignment surgery as a cure for homosexuality. After almost two decades of torture on mostly teenage boys drafted into the military, ending in 1989, he was licensed in Canada and employed by the university of Calgary until he was arrested on unrelated charges of sexual assault on male patients in 2010. Dr, Albert Kligman was a multi-millionaire who became rich after violating the Nuremburg Code against testing on prisoners for two and a half decades. He exposed hundreds of prisoners to the toxic chemical used in Agent Orange and many pathogens and was never prosecuted. These are two of an inestimable number of medical practitioners and scientists who have never, despite all professional codes of conduct, suffered professionally for their atrocities committed in support of power or pursuit of personal wealth. A 2015 independent review of the American Psychological Association (APA) found the organization “suppressed internal dissent from anti-torture doctors; cleared members of wrongdoing” in support of CIA torture programs.”x These are the people who define what is normative behaviour in the United States. The public can vote against or overthrow politicians and boycott or strike against industrialists, but there is very little recourse against scientists.

People can be conditioned to feel very differently about their ingroups than those outside. While empathy can certainly extend to all living creatures, people can also be taught to vilify anyone unfamiliar. It is easier to persuade people to kill an insect than a lizard and easier to persuade them to kill a lizard than a kitten. It is also easier to persuade a population to kill a woman, someone from a different ethnic group or people from a lower class if those groups are habitually vilified and presented as different and not included in the ingroup. Science has consistently used the lowest classes as a product or testing ground for the upper classes and consistently ignored the most vulnerable in favour of the most profitable.

These facts are not lost on the lower classes who do not bother depending on the scientific class for their expertise and go back to fixing their own problems. The limited resources at their disposal are still better than being experimented on or ignored. In Ebola: How a People’s Science Helped End an Epidemic, Paul Richards, describes how, after the world ignored the ebola epidemic outbreak, the villagers discovered that the expert advice being given to them was wrong and that they were more effective with their own solutions.xi The term People’s Science recalls the 1970s radical science publication Science for Peoplexii  and is a perhaps unintentional reminder that the other science is most certainly not of the people.

In a world where we are governed by highly specialized epistemic communities of elite knowledge, it is essential that there is broad diversity in those communities. Corporate, scientific and academic propaganda since colonization in all parts of the world has depicted care and connectedness to the environment as aboriginal sentiments, implying bizarrely that some inhabitants of earth are not aboriginal and even more bizarrely that care for one’s own home and life essentials is cultural. This served the dual purpose of both ghettoizing environmental concerns as minority issues and inhibiting those labeled as non-aboriginal from speaking about concerns that were decreed the cultural property of others. This ghettoization and marginalization tactic was also used with women. Destruction of families and homes and abusive treatment of children were first depicted as feminist issues and then feminism was redirected to uphold a corporate ideal instead.

The objectification and othering of women and indigenous cultures was used to block any potential empathy with them or the causes they were associated with. By attaching all human social needs to these two vilified groups, capitalist power was able to marginalize the human social needs themselves. The environment, children and all human society that did not relate to capitalism was cast into a human rights ghetto and declared not real news. The survival of the poor was tacitly agreed to be not in the interest of the greater good. The only topics considered worthy of serious study were those which isolated and commodified little pieces of nature or humanity so they could be marketed for profit. The scientific religion that was supposed to bring salvation for us all sold their interest in those at the bottom for increased corporate profit.

The scientific class will never cease to be used as an oppressive tool as long as access and input to knowledge are restricted by class and dependent on political and corporate approval. Unlike politicians, industrialists and theologians, the world needs scientists and all of our knowledge industries. If the scientific community is to cease being an oppressive tool, it must become fully autonomous and separated from political and industrial power. If the world is to benefit from the epistemic communities we desperately need to progress, the scientific community must become transparent to and inclusive of the wider public.


1 Not the real form of clan based patriarchy as practised in the Greek and Roman empires and still throughout the Middle East but the mimicking form encoded into state, church and bureaucracy as described in Robert Filmer’s Patriarcha. In this dissociated form, women such as Queen Elizabeth I of England and Queen Isabella I of Spain could be powerful without disrupting the structure.

2The transition from the patriarchy to the fraternity in Europe is discussed in much more detail in the second book in this series, Exceptional Lives.

3Shunning and inclusion is discussed in much more detail in the third book in this series, Outcast.

Excerpted from Autonomy, Diversity, Society. Citations will be transferred when I get a minute.

People are means of destruction

If we compare the natural duties of a Father with those of a King, we find them to be all one, with no difference at all except in their latitude or extent. As the Father over one family, so the King, as Father over many families, extends his care to preserve, feed, clothe, instruct and defend the whole commonwealth. – Robert Filmer, Patriarcha[cite]

For any society to exist, there must be creators and protectors working for the society. All adults were usually needed in both roles, providing shelter and food and creating the physical assets of a home such as tools, clothing, blankets and art and building the social structure of the society. In most times and places, there have also been highly gendered roles. The women gave birth and did the majority of the early child care and men assumed more of the protector roles, both in defending the tribe and their assets in conflicts and in representing the tribe in outside negotiations with possibly unfriendly neighbours. In these societies, strength, bravery and generosity to the tribe were the most admired attributes of any man. The power of social approval was strong enough in most tribes that people, especially men, would face certain death for a favourable place in their tribe’s history.

As societies grew, many turned into patriarchal clans. In these societies, men were not just members of the tribe, sharing duties and receiving benefits as equals. The common protective role assumed by men became the role of a disciplinarian parent. The father-ruler in these clans was the embodiment of law and order. They made all the decisions for the clan and were to be obeyed without question. They meted out punishments to any who disobeyed and resolved conflicts with more punishments. The love and gratitude a tribe felt for their warriors became awe and fear for these patriarchs.

A structured class difference was created with patriarchs above the clan and men above their own families. As with all class barriers, people became isolated from each other by power and fear. Men in these societies felt the love they once earned replaced by respect at best, fear at worst. Communal sharing of responsibility was replaced by complete authority where the patriarchs were expected to have all answers for everything that occurred in their domain. The subjection of women infantilized women but it also made parents of men and placed formerly shared responsibility on the shoulders of only men. The shame men once felt for personal failure was now shame for the failure of anyone in their clan. With greater responsibility came greater tyranny and deeper class divide between men and the source of their approval.

Lately it has become common to equate patriarchy with oppression of women by men. Patriarchy is simply oppression, of women and men, by a class structure that infantilizes those at the bottom and burdens those at the top. It was not women who overthrew the patriarchy in Europe, it was men. While women fought alongside men, it was men who designed the future structure of society, summed up in the cry for Liberté! Egalité! Fraternité! The cry for liberty was a cry for freedom of men, both freedom from subjection by a patriarchal ruler and freedom from responsibility for all of society. The responsibility and isolation of men in a patriarchal society was frequently empty and unrewarding. The call for fraternity was a call for brotherhood, for a society of equals who would meet without demanding anything of each other. Since that call, libertarian men have fought for their independence from responsibility to society and insisted that the principle of equality means all are equally able to care for themselves. Most industrialized communities are no longer patriarchal. They are nearly all fraternal. The fraternity denies responsibility to society and in return receives no approval from society. Approval from others is the life force for humanity, our single greatest motivator. Life without approval is an empty shell.

For those men that remained committed to service to their communities and maintained their old roles as caregivers and protectors, they found their communities deeply changed. While the trade economy was teaching women that they were parasites and lucky to be enslaved, it was teaching men that they could only buy acceptance, love and society. As societies became more dissociated, generosity to the entire village or clan was replaced by a man building the personal wealth of his own immediate family. Jobs went from being of service to your village in exchange for approval from your village to being of service to corporate industrialists or militias in exchange for currency. The former great men who protected and served the villages became industrialists who exploited and attacked the other villagers.

The social motivation was the exact same. The men still craved the approval of their societies but approval which had been gratitude for service became approval of wealth. Currency became a dissociated form of approval that you could keep in the bank and spend at will. A rich man could walk down the streets of a village and receive attention and gifts just as a hero could earlier. These men still crave the same things their earlier forebears did: celebrity, political leadership, high social ranking, a place in history, and most of all, approval.

The difference is not in the men but in the social structure they are now acting in. Instead of being in service to society, these men are in service to industry which is usually in direct opposition to the best interests of their society. The role of a great man has been perverted to mean its opposite. Those once celebrated as being society’s great protectors and creators are now given a monetary simulation of approval for being society’s great destroyers. Their labour which would once have brought them approval from all members of their society and attention from their love interests, now brings them media celebrity and flattery from the hurricane of vampires and sycophants orbiting the ponzi schemes of wealth and celebrity. The men who gain wealth to marry a beautiful, young woman and then complain that she married them for their wealth know what they are missing but not how to attain it.

The dissociation of modern families means that not only does a man no longer include his extended family or village in the society he seeks to benefit, he frequently does not include his wife either or sometimes even his children. Many billionaires still crave approval and a spot in history as great men but work all of their lives with only one goal, to amass as much wealth as possible. It is hard to imagine what makes these men so obsessed with collecting more and more of this dissociated approval with no real approval behind it except a very deep confusion as to what they are craving and where to find it.

It is possible that the too-little-too-late groups of philanthropist billionaires are a glimmer of recognition in these men, particularly the ones who realize they don’t even like their own wives and children enough to create an empire for them. The patronizing, ineffective and frequently outright sociopathic projects they undertake in the name of philanthropy show either a complete lack of understanding of society and social needs or reinforces the fact that they are irreclaimably sociopathic and still associate control and power with approval. Even where their projects may be of some actual benefit to society, when presented on top of their years of internationally destructive activity, it is little more than very insufficient war reparations.

This is the role men have been forced into since the beginnings of the trade economy. Men were shunned out of their families and into industry or military far more often than women and were not welcomed back into their families without currency. In many cases they had to give up their entire family life and just send back the currency while they lived far from home. The social approval a woman once received for being a good mother was given to men if they were a good provider. After the trade economy took control of all social relationships, a good provider was the one who spent the least time with his family or village and was most successful in exploiting his society. Industry pretended that industrialists provided jobs and money, neither of which are needed by any community, and successfully perverted the word providers to be applied to the community destroyers. Social acceptance was granted to those who would formerly have been attacked.

Because men were much more successful as wage earners and because men migrate with far greater ease than women and have far less social obligations keeping them at home, women became the backbone of resistance to industrialists or military repression. From environmentalists to mothers of the disappeared, women have been filling the streets of peasant revolt for millennia.[cite] From industrialists to militias, men have made up the overwhelming majority of those they are fighting. The old social kernel, with the weak and the caregivers at the center and able adults, mostly men, as a protective shell, has changed to a society at war with itself.

Once children would be taught to be of service not just to their parents but to all elders and smaller children to gain the approval of their society. Now children are taught to be of service only to themselves and to exploit all others. Communities which once shared skills and knowledge with each other have now commodified teaching and restricted it to only their own children or those who can pay. Once children were taught that their tribe was the best and there was no other tribe as wonderful as theirs to strengthen group affiliation and an ingroup narcissism that shunned those outside. Now children are taught individual narcissism that shuns everyone outside themselves. A class war was created within families. Now caregivers serve children and those in the trade economy, those in trade purchase caregivers and children, and children are created as product to serve corporations. Even this most basic social network of dependencies has been turned into a siphon for the benefit of corporations.

The group narcissism that has throughout history allowed societies to ruthlessly exploit each other has become distilled into individual narcissism on a massive scale as each person looks out for their own society of one. In countries as dissociated as the United States, where people have been taught since birth that the potential loss of one American life is worth unlimited destruction of the rest of the world, the extreme group narcissism sets the scale for the extreme individual narcissism. This individual narcissism combined with the sectarianism of the United States looks like every person is a society at war with every other. It is hard to imagine such a country coming together enough to even conduct a civil war.

In the middle of this sits a disaffected group of men who are currently populating the part of the Internet called The Manosphere. This is the group of men who would previously have been receiving the greatest success under the trade economy and the greatest empty approval from their purchased caregivers and children. They have been taught to do nothing without personal benefit which they can exchange for specific approval. The specific approval from women and children is no longer forthcoming as both are much harder to purchase in industrialized societies than in the past, both because of their own independence and their own growing narcissism. The explosion of the PUA (pick up artist) industry is a movement where these men are trying to forcibly take the empty approval they feel entitled to, with or without an exchange. The fact that they spend most of their energy debating how to receive the most while giving the least, and the reliance on market deception, reflects their view of female approval as a commodity they ought to be able to purchase.

It is no surprise that these men have created such a powerfully bonded community any more than it is any surprise when they join violent cults and gangs. The new communities are providing them with the approval they crave. It is no surprise that they are so angry, or that opposing factions of women are equally angry. Narcissistic rage towards the designated source of approval is an invariable reaction to a withdrawal of approval. This is a principle recognized by MGTOW (the name of a group who call themselves Men Going Their Own Way but in fact spend all of their time online discussing women). The goal of MGTOW is to make women feel the narcissistic pain of rejection that they are feeling by withholding themselves from women.

The dissociation of industrialized societies has changed national narcissism into an explosion of individual narcissism. The amount of approval now demanded by individual members of industrialized societies is unlimited and of course, unsustainable. The monetization of this approval still requires a social aspect. As it takes more and more money to buy the envy and obsequiousness of others, the ruthlessness in obtaining wealth and the dissatisfaction it brings will continue.

The solutions to this narcissistic emptiness will not be found in gender parity in a trade economy. The answer is not that women should benefit from trade, it’s that men should not. All money in a trade economy comes from the powerful and we need to build a society that benefits the powerless. If service to society becomes the measure of worth, women will have parity overnight and all people will receive direct approval for their contributions. If we reject the economy based on trade to the powerful, neither men nor women will have to, or be able to, buy their acceptance into their own families or the approval of their communities.

The social acceptance we once received for being of service to our communities we now receive for competing with and exploiting them. This acceptance is not the social approval we all crave as humans. It is envy and fear and it leaves us empty.


Excerpted from Autonomy, Diversity, Society. Citations will be transferred when I get a minute.

Get Healthy Get Strong, Get Educated and Informed

And start contributing to your own governance. If you want a democratic society, that is. I try not to get too preachy here, but the western population has been programmed towards a certain end, and if we are going to change the world, we need to at least be aware of this. The things we have been taught and fed for decades were part of a system meant to create an uneducated, ignorant, distracted populace. The military industrial complex has been with us for a long time and they have thought about these things. In order to fight them, we have to stop playing their games.

Get healthy: There is a very real reason why people are being fed food, pharmaceuticals, and environmental hazards that destroy their health. It is impossible to concentrate on the world’s problems when you are suffering from any of the myriad autoimmune and other diseases everyone seems afflicted with. And it is impossible to think clearly through the brain fog and personality disorders being triggered by all the pollutants we are fed. The subsequent foggy thinking and miserable angry feeling are then fed by substandard education systems and violence in all media until we have a population that greets the Collateral Murder video with open youtube arms and sets it to music. When people start bouncing and singing to a video of civilians and children being slaughtered, we have a problem. When the reaction to an organization that tries to give people information and make them think, is that someone should send a drone after the organization, we have a problem. Anyone that tries to correct the unhealthiness of the population is greeted by a media storm of ‘promoting eating disorders’, ‘always rely on trusted medical personnel, not the internet, etc.’. Some people have a big interest in keeping you from taking charge of your own health.

Get strong: When you have no home and nothing to eat, when you are terrified of medical bills and surrounded by violent crime, it is hard to care about the greater good for humanity. Civilized societies have well defined morals. Attributes such as bravery, kindness, generosity and concern for others are valued. In these days when everyone can see the abyss in front of them, it seems more prudent to scramble over each other for our own security. Elite schools stress the three A’s, arts, academics and athletics, and concentrate on building a superior human for the upper ranks. Character is almost never taught any more, even though it seems obvious to wonder what benefit to society is a superior human who has never been taught to use their advantages for the overall good. When society has enough, and the people feel secure that they will continue to have enough, maybe we will stop seeing preschool mothers shoving their children to the front of the line and college fathers bribing officials. We can hope. The problem is not usually the amount we possess, but rather the widespread fear that we may lose it or that others have more. This disease is fed every day in the media

Get educated: It is hard to judge the world without context. Any education is better than no education, and it should continue all of our lives. The clogging of western brains with poor health choices has been accompanied for decades with an anti-intellectual movement that has grown to such proportions that the US could seriously elect Sarah Palin for president simply because she doesn’t sound “elite”. Education is not bad any more than physical fitness is bad. Being programmed by video games and state/industrial propaganda is easy, but it’s not fun, it tends to make us restless, angry and discontent, while feeding the self-perception that the population is not as competent to govern themselves as the educated. Education brings excitement, pride and a kind of peace.

Get informed: I truly believe that nobody is seriously interested in the ‘news’ plastered over the media now. I believe this not just from wishful thinking and projecting my own opinions onto others, but from the comments (facebook groups, etc.) that constantly say they are sick of hearing about these people. There has been a growing revulsion for the topics of today’s media which gets worse every year. It is unfortunately usually displaced into hatred for the subject instead of the media. A new media would allow us to walk away, to step into a new world where we do not have to hear about haircuts and what people we don’t care about look like with no makeup on. We could look for real information that is relevant to what we need to know and have a right to know. And we would wake up every day interested in the news again.

Then of course, we are ready for the last one: start contributing to our own governance.

Raising Awareness

Some days I really miss George Carlin.

Today, at my gas station, I was offered a blob of sugar, red food dye, preservatives and artificial flavours in the shape of a ribbon on a plastic stick. My department store wanted me to buy a nitrate and who knows what stuffed wiener in a sugar and extra gluten plus preservative laced bun, with some brightly coloured condiments that did not look like they had ever met a tomato or a mustard seed. And my neighbour wanted me to buy some pink plastic crap from Avon.

Why? The same reason in all cases. To ‘raise awareness’ of cancer. Yes, George, that’s what they said. I guess the theory is, if we all have cancer we will all be aware of it?

Sometimes it’s not just awareness they are raising. Sometimes they are raising money. For organic farms, you ask? Environmental groups? Natural health advocates? Ah, no, George. After we’ve raised so much cancer to be aware of, it’s a little late for all that. They are raising money for the pharmaceutical companies. The ones who helped bring the cancer and block research into cures. Now that you already have cancer, they will help put you out of your misery with all of the drugs they develop with your research money. For a small fee.

Rest in peace, George, master of the ridiculous. You are missed.